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发布时间:2018-05-07 13:16

  本文选题:扒窃 + 结果犯 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:《刑法修正案(八)》将扒窃、入户盗窃、携带凶器盗窃作为盗窃罪的几种特殊行为类型入罪。行为人扒窃,不要求达到数额较大或情节严重,便可以按照盗窃罪处罚。本次修改具有标志性的意义,不仅体现了我国宽严相济的刑事政策,而且体现了我国保护人民群众、保障社会公共秩序等各方面的诉求。从立法论的角度说,扒窃被纳入犯罪受到一些质疑,认为扒窃入罪是刑事立法功利化和刑法万能理念的体现。从解释论的角度说,既然扒窃已经入罪,如何正确适用扒窃的规定才是刑法理论和司法实践面临的重要问题。本文主要从解释论的角度对扒窃进行分析。从扒窃的性质入手,分析扒窃的行为要素和结果要素。对扒窃行为发生的地点特征即“公共场所”与“公共交通工具”和扒窃的对象特征即他人“随身携带”的财物进行界定。从扒窃的结果来分析扒窃的成立标准和扒窃的既遂标准,并对扒窃的未遂进行分析。最后对扒窃的司法认定进行阐述。希望可以为扒窃在司法实践中的认定提供一些参考。全文共分为四个部分。 第一部分是扒窃行为的性质。分析行为犯和结果犯的划分标准。认为我国区分行为犯和结果犯的标准是“既遂标准说”。进而阐述扒窃是一种结果犯。扒窃犯罪的既遂,不但要有行为要素,还要有结果要素。 第二部分是扒窃的行为要素。对扒窃行为实施的地点特征即“公共场所”和“公共交通工具”以及扒窃的对象特征“随身携带”的财物进行界定。认为“公共场所”和“公共交通工具”的本质特征是人员的高度流通性和人员的不特定性,与人数的多少无关。“随身携带”包括财物的所有人或者占有人带在身上或者放在身体附近的财物。对扒窃的行为方式进行分析。认为扒窃不要求行为人具有惯常性,也不要求秘密窃取,更不要求扒窃行为的手段具有技术性。 第三部分是扒窃的结果要素。作为扒窃结果要素的财物,既可以是具有交换价值的财物,也可以是具有使用价值的财物;既可以是体积较小的财物,也可以是体积较大的财物。通过分析有关盗窃罪既遂标准的学说,认为扒窃犯罪的既遂标准采取“控制说”。进而分析行为人实施扒窃后,未取得刑法所保护的财物的,是盗窃未遂。 第四部分是扒窃的司法认定。认为认定扒窃应该与《刑法》第十三条但书协调适用。作为转化型抢劫前提条件的扒窃行为,没有数额要求,也不需要构成犯罪既遂。对扒窃不承担刑事责任的未成年人不是扒窃转化为抢劫罪的主体。 最后是结论部分,,在该部分对自己的基本观点进行了总结。
[Abstract]:The amendment of criminal law (8) criminalizes pickpocketing, burglary inside the house and theft with murder weapon as several special types of larceny. The perpetrator of pickpocketing, do not require a large amount or serious circumstances, can be punished in accordance with the crime of larceny. This amendment has iconic significance, not only reflects our country's criminal policy of combining leniency and severity, but also embodies the demands of protecting the masses of the people and ensuring the social public order in our country. From the point of view of legislation, it is questioned that pickpocketing is included in the crime, and that the crime of pickpocketing is the embodiment of the utilitarianism of criminal legislation and the omnipotent idea of criminal law. From the angle of explanation, since pickpocketing has already been criminalized, how to apply the provisions of pickpocketing correctly is an important problem in criminal law theory and judicial practice. This paper mainly analyzes pickpocketing from the angle of explanation theory. Starting with the nature of pickpocketing, this paper analyzes the behavioral and result elements of pickpocketing. This paper defines the local characteristics of pickpocketing, that is, "public place" and "public transportation", and the object of pickpocketing, that is, the property that others "carry with them". From the result of pickpocketing, this paper analyzes the criterion of establishing pickpocketing and the accomplished standard of pickpocketing, and analyzes the attempted pickpocketing. Finally, the judicial identification of pickpocketing is expounded. Hope to provide some reference for pickpocketing in judicial practice. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part is the nature of pickpocketing. The classification standard of behavior crime and result crime is analyzed. The author thinks that the criterion of distinguishing the crime of act from the crime of consequence is the criterion of accomplishment. Furthermore, it is expounded that pickpocketing is a consequential crime. The crime of pickpocketing must have not only the elements of behavior, but also the elements of result. The second part is the behavior elements of pickpocketing. This paper defines the local characteristics of pickpocketing, that is, "public place" and "public transportation", as well as the object feature of pickpocketing. It is considered that the essential characteristics of "public places" and "public transportation" are the high mobility of personnel and the non-specificity of personnel, which has nothing to do with the number of people. "carry with you" includes property that the owner or possessor carries on or near the body. Analyze the behavior of pickpocketing. It is concluded that pickpocketing does not require the perpetrator to have habituation, nor secret theft, nor does it require the means of pickpocketing to be technical. The third part is the result elements of pickpocketing. As a result of pickpocketing, the property can be the property with exchange value, the property with use value, the property with small volume or the property with larger volume. Based on the analysis of the theory about the accomplished standard of larceny, the author thinks that the accomplished standard of pickpocket crime adopts the theory of control. It is attempted theft that the perpetrator does not obtain the property protected by the criminal law after he carries out pickpocketing. The fourth part is the judicial cognizance of pickpocketing. It is believed that the identification of pickpocketing should be coordinated with the proviso of Article 13 of the Criminal Law. Pickpocketing, which is the precondition of transformed robbery, has no requirement of amount, and does not constitute a crime accomplished. Minors who do not bear criminal responsibility for pickpocketing are not the subject of the crime of pickpocketing. Finally is the conclusion part, in this part has carried on the summary to own basic viewpoint.


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