本文选题:紧急避险 + 生命权 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:From the imaginary "board of Kananders" to the famous case of King v. Dale and Stephen, the conflict of the right to life in emergency avoidance has always been the focus of debate in foreign academic circles. Whether the right to life can be regarded as the object of emergency risk is a question that scholars all over the world have to choose, but until now, this kind of debate is still going on. The conflict of the right to life in emergency avoidance has always been a hot topic in academic circles and a difficult problem in practice. The theoretical and legislative research on emergency risk avoidance in our country is insufficient to solve the increasingly frequent problem of emergency risk avoidance in the right to life. The flexibility and openness of the description of the object of emergency avoidance in criminal law of our country leave the scholars with wide interpretation space, but it also brings great trouble to the application of judicial practice. All previous cases of conflict over the right to life in our country were adjudicated on the crime of intentional homicide. However, with the continuous development of economic and social life, various cases of different circumstances emerge in endlessly, and they only adhere to the general view of the past. It is obviously inappropriate to decide that the right to life cannot be regarded as the object of emergency risk avoidance and that all acts of emergency risk avoidance of the right to life should be judged by intentional homicide. This paper begins with the understanding of the legal nature of the conflict of the right to life in the course of emergency shelter, and through the classic cases of the conflict of the right to life at home and abroad, makes a detailed classification and analysis, and then obtains a systematic viewpoint and judgment method. Finally, it discusses the great significance and applicable method of applying the problem of right to life to practice. This article is divided into four chapters, as follows: preface. The background, significance, literature review and research methods of the right to life conflict in emergency risk avoidance are introduced. The first chapter, the legal nature of the right to life in emergency risk avoidance, the analysis of the nature of the legal problem in conflict with the right to life in emergency situations, what is the reason for the violation of the law? The theory of responsibility and the difference of reasons, as well as the personal views of the author. The second chapter is about the typology of the conflict of the right to life in the emergency avoidance. In one case, different cases of emergency right to life conflict in one-to-many situations and forced acts are classified, and their own analysis and evaluation are made in each case. The third chapter, from the perspective of justice, analyzes the conflict between the right to life, The case is divided into two parts: aggressive emergency and defensive emergency to identify the practice of the right to life emergency risk. The fourth chapter, the legislation perfection of the right to life conflict in the emergency avoidance. The value and significance of the right to life as an urgent object of refuge through the current domestic laws and judicial provisions, It advocates the perfection of the provisions on the right to life and the application of the right to life in the criminal law.
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