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发布时间:2018-06-27 18:22

  本文选题:商业秘密 + 实证研究 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Today, with the rapid development of market economy, trade secrets have remarkable value to enterprises, which can help enterprises to improve their core competitiveness and thus gain advantages in the fierce market competition. However, in the current judicial practice, cases of infringing trade secrets are everywhere, and enterprises' protection of their own trade secrets is worrying. Therefore, it is an unavoidable topic to study and strengthen the protection of trade secrets. However, scholars' research on infringing trade secrets mainly focuses on some theoretical issues, such as the composition and determination of trade secrets, the constitution and determination of infringing trade secrets, the legal protection of trade secrets, etc. Few scholars do empirical research on trade secret infringement cases in judicial practice from the perspective of victimization. Based on this, this paper studies the victimization of trade secret infringement cases by empirical research. In this paper, 1705 documents of trade secret judgment are collected, and some variables are designed according to the purpose of this paper, and these variables are extracted from the documents for analysis. This paper mainly takes "victimization" as independent variable and victimized loss as dependent variable, and studies the relationship between victimization loss and each index of "victimization". First of all, this paper studies the relationship between victimization and the amount of loss from the point of view of the amount of loss. This paper compares the amount of loss with the average value of each index of "victimization", and finds out the correlation between the amount of loss and confidentiality agreement, the agreement on restriction of non-competition, the violation of the law, collusion between the inside and outside, the way of obtaining the right, and the management of the key area. These factors will affect the victim's loss amount in the case of trade secret violation at different levels. Secondly, this paper studies the relationship between victimization and case success rate from the angle of success rate. In this paper, the success rate and each index of "victimization" are interactively analyzed, from which we know that the success rate has certain correlation with the illegal, collusion between the inside and outside, the way of obtaining the right, and also found that the success rate and the confidentiality agreement. Competition restriction agreement, key area management is not much related, thus breaking the traditional prejudice. Finally, this paper studies the relationship between victimization and case duration from the point of view of case duration. This paper compares the case duration with the average value of each index of "victimization", and probes into the case duration and confidentiality agreement, competition restriction agreement, murdered illegal, collusion between inside and outside, and the way of obtaining rights. The key area management has certain correlation, and these factors will affect the duration of the case at different levels. After combing and analyzing the above situation and reasons, the author thinks that the victim's loss in the trade secret case is really related to his own "victimization", and the owner of the trade secret's right wants to reduce his own loss effectively. We must take appropriate measures to reduce and control their "victimization", and then protect their trade secrets.


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