本文选题:死刑限制 + 证据标准 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:伴随着世界文明的不断发展,死刑制度的适用也经历了一个漫长而复杂的发展过程。死刑问题一直是我国理论界热点的讨论问题,在我国,刑法理论界很早提出了废除死刑的建议,温家宝总理在第十届全国人大三次会议记者招待会上指出“出于我们的国情,我们不能取消死刑,世界上一半以上的国家也都还有死刑制度。但是,我们将用制度来保证死刑判决的慎重和公正。”1这一回答标志了目前我国在死刑存废问题上的盖棺定论。由于我国的特殊国情,即使死刑的存在是无奈之举,死刑在我国暂时也还不能废除并且将存在一定时间。但是这并不意味着我们就得驻足观望,我们可以进一步完善死刑的适用制度,从点到面慢慢对死刑的适用加以限制。《刑法修正案(八)》的出台、十八届三中全会《决定》明确提出减少死刑的适用及完善死刑认定的证据等,让我们看到了我国政府在死刑制度上的作为与决心。我国应该立足于国情,看到当前死刑适用制度在我国审判实践中存在的问题,逐步深入地对死刑适用进行改革,在审判实践中完善死刑限制适用制度。故而笔者在这个背景下取题——《论死刑的限制适用》。 第一章简要介绍了死刑限制适用的概念,以及死刑限制适用在世界潮流的历史沿革和发展趋势,对有关国际组织文件对死刑限制适用的规定进行简要陈述,得出废除死刑制度是世界文明发展的方向,并在此基础上,继而对比我国当前死刑适用的标准以及死刑限制适用的规定进行了评析,得出死刑限制适用是我国理论界以及司法界共同奋斗的目标,进而为笔者展开论述本文的课题埋下伏笔。 第二章,主要从我国的刑罚目的、人道性理论方面论述死刑限制适用的必要性,以及从政治、经济、和群众基础三个层面对我国当前的实际国情等方面进行了分析,指出在我国现阶段将长期处于社会主义初级阶段的情况下,为满足社会转型对死刑制度的需要,在审判实践中限制适用死刑是一种相对合理的选择,即保持了死刑特有的威慑性,也符合我国“少杀、慎杀”的宽严相济政策。 第三章笔者在这一章节从死刑适用的罪名,范围、对象、司法程序四个方面论述了我国立法对于死刑限制适用的规定,并着重对《刑法修正案(八)》进行了认真研究分析,指出修正案对死刑罪名进行了削减,以及对死刑限制适用方面进行了更为明确的规定,体现了我国法律的人文性,并且与废除死刑的国际趋势慢慢接轨,这为我国在未来实现废除死刑的目标奠定了良好的基础。 第四章,笔者对死刑制度的限制适用在我国审判实践中的现状进行了考察,在死刑制度废除与否的十字路口上,我国明确了不会一蹴而就废除死刑制度这一基调,而是选择对于死刑制度不断限制适用,但是,我国的法治仍不是非常的完善。因此,在当前,我国审判实践对于死刑制度的限制适用难免会一些不完善的地方,例如部分死刑案件证据不严谨,民意对死刑案件影响过大等,都是我们必须正视的问题,继而笔者对于当前对适用死刑比较多的几个罪名进行了评析,指出要实现要对死刑制度的限制适用,就必须在审判实践中队适用死刑制度较多的“大户”罪名进行限制,进而才能实现不断限制适用死刑制度的目标。 第五章笔者针对前文所论述的在审判实践中出现的问题,提出了自己对完善死刑限制的建议。通过完善死刑限制适用的标准、提高死刑案件证据的认定标准以及着重论述了如何通过我国特有的死缓制度来达到死刑限制适用的目的,同时在审判环节上转变刑事法官的“重刑”理念、积极进行民意引导以及完善监督机制 结论:笔者再次重申本文的观点,在当前我国不具备废除死刑条件的前提下,在审判实践中严格限制和减少死刑的适用成为当务之急,我国急需拿出一套完善的死刑相关配套措施来对死刑适用加以限制,笔者在本文中在前人的研究基础上,对我国在审判实践中该如何完善死刑限制的适用提出了自己的一些见解,笔者渴望看到我国的死刑限制适用制度得到不断完善,甚至在将来得以废除死刑。
[Abstract]:With the development of the world civilization , the application of the death penalty system has also experienced a long and complex development process . The question of the death penalty has been a hot topic in China ' s theoretical circle .
The first chapter briefly introduces the concept of the limitation of the death penalty and the application of the death penalty to the historical evolution and the developing trend of the world trend . The article makes a brief statement on the provisions applicable to the restriction of the death penalty in the relevant international organization documents , and concludes that the abolition of the death penalty system is the direction of the development of the world civilization .
The second chapter discusses the necessity of restricting the application of the death penalty from three aspects of political , economic and mass foundation , and points out that the restriction of the application of the death penalty in the trial practice is a relatively reasonable choice in order to meet the needs of the system of death penalty .
In chapter 3 , the author discusses the application of China ' s legislation on the restriction of death penalty from four aspects of the crimes , scope , object and judicial procedure applicable to the death penalty in this chapter , and puts emphasis on the serious research and analysis of the amendment to the death penalty . It points out that the amendment has made a more explicit stipulation on the death penalty and the international trend of the abolition of the death penalty , which lays a good foundation for our country ' s goal of realizing the abolition of the death penalty in the future .
In the fourth chapter , the author makes a study on the restriction of the death penalty system in our country ' s trial practice . At the crossroads of the abolition of the death penalty system , it is clear that the restriction of the death penalty system is not perfect .
In the fifth chapter , the author puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the restriction of death penalty by perfecting the standard of the restriction of death penalty , improving the identification standard of the evidence of death penalty cases , and emphasizing on how to adopt the special death penalty system in our country to limit the application of the death penalty . At the same time , we should change the concept of " heavy penalty " of the criminal judge in the trial link , actively carry out the public opinion guidance and perfect the supervision mechanism .
Conclusion : The author reiterates the view that in our country , it is urgent to restrict and reduce the application of death penalty strictly . In our country , it is urgent to limit and reduce the application of the death penalty in our country . In this article , we have put forward some opinions about how to perfect the restriction of death penalty in the practice of trial .
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