[Abstract]:The subjective aspect of the crime is the psychological attitude of the subject of the crime to the harmful result which can be produced by his behavior when the subject of the crime carries out the harmful behavior, and it is the inner psychological expression of the perpetrator. It is revealed that the behavior that the perpetrator has carried out under the control of the psychological state and the objective aspect of the crime is mutually in the form of the distinction between the crime and the non-crime, and one of the limits of the principle of this crime and that of the other crime. However, intention and negligence are abstract forms of crime, which are difficult to distinguish in judicial practice, especially when the court finds that negligence results in death and indirect intentional homicide. Because there is more overlap between indirect intent and overconfident negligence, different trial results often appear in the same case. In this regard, most scholars argue that they should be decomposed from the perspective of cognitive factors and will factors: on indirect and intentional occasions, the perpetrator knows that his actions will cause harmful results, but he still allows such results to happen; in the case of overconfident negligence, The perpetrator foresaw the possibility of the harm result, but could avoid it. This view provides a theoretical basis for further understanding and grasping the complex forms of subjective aspects of crime as well as the correct conviction and sentencing. This paper takes Cheng Haiming's negligence death case as an example, mainly analyzes how to identify indirect intentional and overconfident negligence in judicial practice, so as to obtain some opinions, hoping to be helpful to the qualitative analysis of similar cases in the future. In addition to the preface and the conclusion, this paper will be divided into three parts: the first part: the basic case and related dispute focus. This part mainly introduces the facts of the case and related cases, the trial results and the focus of the dispute. The second part: the analysis of the relevant legal problems in this case. This part is the key chapter of this article, based on the relevant criminal law theory as the basis of the focus of the dispute involved in the case to make a comprehensive legal analysis and detailed explanation. The third part: the thinking caused by this case. In this part, the author produces some opinions on the criterion of indirect intention and overconfidence fault, and systematically expounds the construction of the two distinguishing standards.
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