[Abstract]:There is no dispute as to the behavior of the perpetrator who acquires the property of others by means of violence, coercion, etc., whether in judicial practice or in theory, But when the victim is killed after the perpetrator takes money or in other violent crimes after the temporary decision to obtain the victim property but there is a greater controversy. There are theories of robbery, larceny, embezzlement and robbery in the theoretical circle, which can be described as a hundred schools of thought contending. In the judicial practice, the Supreme people's Court has made the relevant judicial explanation, confirmed the act of obtaining other people's property temporarily after the violent act, settled the dispute in the judicial practice, but whether it is reasonable or not is open to question. From the angle of explanation, the author analyzes the crimes of robbery, larceny and embezzlement in essence, and clarifies the constitutive elements which must be possessed as each charge and the logical relationship between them. On this basis, it is concluded that the unwritten elements of the unwritten elements constituting the purpose of illegal possession of the crime of robbery must be produced before the end of the violent act, when the perpetrator's violent act is over, According to different places, it should be regarded as larceny, embezzlement, or snatch.
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