[Abstract]:Different expressions such as "family member", "close relative" and "person with common family life relationship" used in judicial interpretation of our country lead to controversy on how to define relevant concepts and accurately convict and sentence in practice. To deal with the dispute correctly, we should consider comprehensively the aspects of following the traditional customs of our country and the criminal policy of combining leniency and severity, respecting the present situation of social development and promoting the unification of the application of laws, and at the same time, drawing lessons from the extraterritorial criminal law and related norms, Reasonably grasp the relationship between the above concepts: "family members" include, but are not limited to, "close relatives," but cannot be considered to include the entire family member. " People with common family life "should not be considered only by blood and kinship, but also by the reality of living together, raising and sojourning."
【作者单位】: 最高人民检察院国际合作局;广东省人民检察院;
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