[Abstract]:Recently, in the criminal cases involving network payment, the application of larceny is gradually expanding. The path of its expansion includes: widening the scope of the object of larceny, applying the crime of larceny to the behavior of illegally obtaining the property of others by using the failure of the payment system and the vulnerability of the payment system; The crime of larceny is applied to the behavior of inducing the victim to carry out the network payment without disposition consciousness. The expansion of the application of larceny in the field of network payment results in the boundary between the crime of obliteration and the crime of fraud and so on. In practice, there are differences in the characterization of the same type of behavior, and the interpretation of the nature of the behavior does not accord with the usual social concept. Excessive sentencing exceeds the general expectations of the people, and so on. In view of this, the scope of the object of larceny under the environment of network payment can be reasonably defined, the "secrecy" of the manner of theft should be adhered to, and the rationality of fraud without punishment consciousness can be recognized to restrict the application of the crime of larceny.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院法学研究所;
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