[Abstract]:In order to deal with the new situation and problems of bribery crime, the concept and conditions of bribery crime have been revised and redefined step by step in theory and judicial practice. There are six typical situations in the judicial judgment: the diversification of the main elements, the emphasis on the official characteristics of the actors' work, the relevance of the identification of the duty elements, and the abstract characteristics of the duties' behavior. The broad identification of property elements emphasizes the functional characteristics of the subject matter of bribery, the essence of the identification of receiving elements, the illegality and actual control characteristics of the behavior itself, the fictitious nature of the identification of the elements of transaction for consideration, It emphasizes the identity characteristic of the profit-seeking behavior, the conciseness of the subjective elements, and the evidential characteristic between the objective element and the means act. Determining the situation of judicial confirmation is beneficial to clarify the vague understanding and habitual thinking, and to promote the judicial accuracy in the adjudication of cases.
【作者单位】: 中国人民解放军拉萨军事检察院;
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