[Abstract]:The greatest harm of online pornography is not to induce promiscuity and sexual violence, but to raise the threshold of sexual arousal, which dilutes the intimacy of sexual relations and causes social problems and social risks. Because of the deep entanglement between the internet and pornography, it is far from superman's imagination to crack down on the pernicious effect of online pornography. The social risk of eliminating internet pornography is to restrain the technological innovation and business model innovation of the Internet industry and to strengthen the internal division and monopoly of the Internet industry. If legal decision makers put technology protection as a relative priority, Then the new crime of refusing to fulfill the obligation of information network security management and the crime of helping information network criminal activity added in the Ninth Amendment of the Criminal Law in 2015 appear to be somewhat sloppy and careless. However, the sentencing of the fast-broadcast case gave up an important opportunity to reshape the system through the judicial application of the technical neutrality rule.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学法政学院;
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