[Abstract]:Whether the socially harmful behavior is criminalized is not only the subject of criminal law theory and criminal policy, but also the domain of public opinion. Abstract concepts such as social harmfulness or legal benefits have normative significance to explain the justification of criminal behavior, but they are not enough to become the specific standard of behavior incrimination. The judgment of whether a particular act is criminalized should be considered from the nature of the act itself. The standard of incriminating dangerous behavior should not only satisfy the legitimacy of substantive law, but also accord with the rationality of intervention procedure, and embody the function of protecting civil rights in criminal law and the modest principle of criminal law with prudent legislative attitude. As to the problem of "drug driving into criminal law", the reason is mainly focused on the analogical judgment of its social harmfulness and similar behavior in substantive law, and lacks the consideration from the point of view of procedure. The criminalization of harm behavior should be examined by both entity and procedure. The procedural standard involves the protection of civil rights, the timing and efficiency of public power intervention and other important factors.
【作者单位】: 山西大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目(15BFX085)“刑事政策实现效果评估体系研究” 中国法学会2015年度部级法学研究课题(CLS[2015]02)“边疆地区新型毒品滥用与犯罪实证研究”
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