发布时间:2018-11-21 08:37
【摘要】:利用合同进行诈骗具有一定的特殊性,因此刑法将其进行单独的设立。其设立之初是为了在保护当事人的财产权利的同时,更好的维护合同管理秩序或市场经济秩序。但是,随着市场经济的不断发展,合同的使用量逐渐提高,并且市场中利用合同进行欺诈的手段也变得多样化。因此,如果过于宽泛地适用合同诈骗罪,必然导致一些本不应由刑法调整的行为被纳入到刑法的调整范围之内,从而阻碍了市场经济领域自身的调节作用。同时,行为人所实施的合同诈骗罪的客观行为与合同欺诈的客观行为都是隐瞒、虚构事实,因此两者具有很强的相似性,以往学者仅仅从“非法占有目的”的主观意图进行两者区分,有可能导致认定的不准确。 由此,对于合同诈骗罪这类经济领域中的犯罪应当限制其适用。从规范学的角度、刑法谦抑性的要求、刑事政策以及被害人解释学的原理出发进行讨论。基于上述理论的考量,笔者认为,首先从合同诈骗罪具体认定的问题出发,限制合同范围、形式的认定及“非法占有目的”的认定,,同时限制对投机行为的刑法适用;其次,鉴于合同诈骗罪与合同欺诈难以区分,因此,可以通过程序上的设置实现对合同诈骗罪的限缩适用。通过实体与程序两方面达到合同诈骗罪限缩适用的目的。
[Abstract]:Because of the particularity of using the contract to defraud, the criminal law establishes it separately. At the beginning of its establishment, it is to protect the property rights of the parties, at the same time, to better maintain the order of contract management or market economy. However, with the development of market economy, the use of contracts is gradually increasing, and the means of using contracts to cheat in the market become diversified. Therefore, if the crime of contract fraud is applied too broadly, it will inevitably lead to some behaviors which should not be adjusted by the criminal law, thus hindering the adjustment function of the market economy field itself. At the same time, the objective behavior of the crime of contract fraud and the objective behavior of contract fraud are both concealed and fictitious, so they have strong similarities. In the past, scholars only made a distinction from the subjective intention of "illegal possession purpose", which may lead to inaccurate identification. Therefore, the application of contract fraud in economic field should be restricted. From the standardism point of view, the requirements of modesty of criminal law, criminal policy and the principle of victim hermeneutics are discussed. Based on the above theoretical considerations, the author thinks that, first of all, starting from the specific identification of the crime of contract fraud, it limits the scope of the contract, the confirmation of the form and the recognition of the "purpose of illegal possession", and at the same time limits the application of criminal law to speculation; Secondly, since the crime of contract fraud and contract fraud are difficult to distinguish, we can realize the limitation and application of contract fraud crime by setting up procedures. The purpose of contract fraud is to limit the application of contract fraud through entity and procedure.
[Abstract]:Because of the particularity of using the contract to defraud, the criminal law establishes it separately. At the beginning of its establishment, it is to protect the property rights of the parties, at the same time, to better maintain the order of contract management or market economy. However, with the development of market economy, the use of contracts is gradually increasing, and the means of using contracts to cheat in the market become diversified. Therefore, if the crime of contract fraud is applied too broadly, it will inevitably lead to some behaviors which should not be adjusted by the criminal law, thus hindering the adjustment function of the market economy field itself. At the same time, the objective behavior of the crime of contract fraud and the objective behavior of contract fraud are both concealed and fictitious, so they have strong similarities. In the past, scholars only made a distinction from the subjective intention of "illegal possession purpose", which may lead to inaccurate identification. Therefore, the application of contract fraud in economic field should be restricted. From the standardism point of view, the requirements of modesty of criminal law, criminal policy and the principle of victim hermeneutics are discussed. Based on the above theoretical considerations, the author thinks that, first of all, starting from the specific identification of the crime of contract fraud, it limits the scope of the contract, the confirmation of the form and the recognition of the "purpose of illegal possession", and at the same time limits the application of criminal law to speculation; Secondly, since the crime of contract fraud and contract fraud are difficult to distinguish, we can realize the limitation and application of contract fraud crime by setting up procedures. The purpose of contract fraud is to limit the application of contract fraud through entity and procedure.
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