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发布时间:2018-11-26 14:53
[Abstract]:In recent years, the judicial logic of criminal system has been paid more and more attention to by the criminal law circle. However, there are many misunderstandings about this whether it is negation or affirmation. The system of punishment does not violate the principle of legality, does not get rid of the basic framework of legal dogmatics, nor leads to the abuse of judicial discretion. At the same time, the criminal system does not mean "light conviction", the constitution of the criminal law has the most basic limited function for the interpretation of criminal law. The basic logic of judicial syllogism should still be adhered to. The crime of punishment belongs to the method of argumentation of consequence, and can be classified as a kind of method of explanation of purpose. As one of the types of consequences, the appropriateness of penalty not only has a guiding role in making a verdict, but also has an important function of critical review and calibration for legal interpretation. The organic integration of criminal law system and criminal policy is the direction of the development of criminal law. In the present criminal law context of China, criminal system plays an important role in communicating criminal policy and criminal law system. Of course, the explanation method of consequence doctrine based on the appropriateness of penalty should not be excessive, and the risk prevention and control of the legal argumentation method of criminal system should be paid more attention to.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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