[Abstract]:The reason why there is a large number of criminal judicial practice will be the general administrative illegal acts as a crime, mainly because there is no legitimate concept as a guide, no substantive explanation, no independent judgment. The public, procuratorate and law should be guided by the concept of free protection of the criminal law, the supplement of the criminal law and the idea of crime prevention, so as to fully guarantee the forecast possibility of the people, so that the criminal law can really become the last resort of the protection law. Make punishment an effective tool for crime prevention. The criminal justice personnel should interpret the constitutive elements substantively, judge the illegality substantively, and not regard all the interests as the protection benefits of the criminal law. The so-called public law interests which can not be decomposed into or restored to individual legal interests are not legal interests protected by criminal law. The stipulation of administrative law and the confirmation of the fact and conclusion of the case by the administrative organ only have the significance as the clue of the crime; According to the characteristics of criminal law, the criminal justice personnel must judge the elements of constitution and the facts of the case independently, and make the conclusion of dealing with it independently, and not regard the conclusion of administrative responsibility and the conclusion and basis of criminal responsibility directly as the conclusion and basis of criminal responsibility.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
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