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发布时间:2019-02-20 21:45
[Abstract]:In the face of the increasingly serious environmental pollution problem, countries all over the world are constantly thinking and seeking good measures to control this trend, of course, our country is no exception. Pluralistic, long-term, institutionalized governance is the common view, but in the exercise of specific strategies, especially civil legal countermeasures, administrative legal countermeasures, criminal law legal countermeasures, non-legal means of governance, and so on how to configure? How to coordinate? What is the meaning and value of how they are treated? What is the core of diversified governance? Are important issues worth studying, but also related to the effectiveness of environmental pollution control. This course attempts to analyze the special significance and effect of criminal law countermeasures in environmental pollution control from the point of view of the criminal law countermeasures of environmental pollution control. It is pointed out that in our country, such as the rapid expansion of economic scale, the high speed of development up, the relatively low science and technology content, the high input, low output, high energy consumption, high pollution industrial structure model; Under the condition that the resources of modern rule of law are relatively scarce and the system is not complete, the environmental pollution control is still an incomplete governance system depending on civil legal means, administrative legal means, economic means or other non-legal means, and at the same time, the system of environmental pollution control depends on civil legal means, administrative legal means, economic means or other non-legal means. Is also a governance effect is not ideal system. Strong, systematic and comprehensive criminal law means is the inevitable choice to enhance the effectiveness of environmental pollution control. Although our country has always attached importance to the use of criminal legal means in the treatment of environmental pollution, especially the eighth Amendment of Criminal Law issued in 2011, it has made a very important reform to the crime of environmental pollution. However, we believe that although the threshold of incrimination for environmental pollution crimes has been lowered, the resultant crimes have been turned into behavioural offences and dangerous substances have been turned into harmful substances, the criminal law for the control of environmental pollution has been put forward. There are still many problems. This paper begins with these problems and analyzes the current situation and characteristics of environmental pollution, the problems faced by civil, administrative and other non-legal means, and the shortcomings of criminal legal means, etc. Put forward the suggestion of perfecting and how to perfect the criminal law countermeasure. Firstly, this paper introduces the writing background from five aspects: the research background, the purpose and significance, the domestic and foreign research trends, the research ideas and methods, and the innovator. Secondly, it analyzes and summarizes the main types of environmental pollution in our country, and analyzes and arranges the current legal countermeasures of environmental pollution control in our country, and draws the conclusion that the existing legal countermeasures are not sufficient to prevent environmental pollution. This paper puts forward the necessity and possibility of increasing the criminal countermeasures of environmental pollution control, and by analyzing the shortcomings of the existing criminal means, puts forward the corresponding suggestions to perfect the criminal countermeasures of environmental pollution in our country.


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