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发布时间:2019-04-09 10:49
【摘要】:随着2011年5月1日《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》的正式施行,盗窃罪的行为方式也得以进一步明确,包括扒窃、入户盗窃等,但现有法律法规及司法解释对于盗窃罪的具体认定仍不够细化,导致对盗窃罪的行为方式的认定、既遂标准等理解存在差异。以至于在司法适用中发生诸如对某些盗窃的行为是否可以认定为犯罪以及对同样的行为适用不同的处罚等问题,不但不能有效预防和打击犯罪,甚至发生降格处理放纵犯罪或者扩大犯罪打击面的严重情况。尤其是扒窃单独入刑后,全国各地出现了许多形形色色的扒窃案件和疑似扒窃案件,由于现有法律、司法解释对于盗窃罪的具体规定及认定仍不够细化,全国各地公检法三机关对扒窃犯罪认定的不同理解,给办理扒窃案件的基层办案人员带来了程度不同的困惑。以至于扒窃有必要单独入刑、扒窃的概念、扒窃的定性、扒窃的量刑、扒窃与刑法总则的冲突等在法学界争论不休。为了严格贯彻实施《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》对扒窃这一严重危害人民群众的生命财产安全和生活秩序行为的打击,充分体现刑法对人身、财产安全的特殊保护,有必要对因理解不同而产生的疑问、困惑予以澄清,以达到对同一法律条文适用同一定性标准,严格执行刑法罪刑法定、罪责刑相适应原则,切实做到不枉不纵,有效提高预防、打击犯罪力度。 本文旨在从司法实践和学理相结合的角度阐述我国盗窃罪中扒窃的行为方式及其理论成果和立法现状,结合国内外相关学说和做法,通过对扒窃入刑引发的各种争议的梳理,分析扒窃入刑后在对扒窃犯罪打击的实践中适用法律存在的矛盾和在实际操作中存在的争议,在对扒窃入刑的必然性和必要性进行深入研究的基础上,对扒窃的行为方式、扒窃的要素、扒窃的性质、既遂、未遂等作出实质性的客观理解,探索我国盗窃罪中扒窃理论和司法认定中的不足,寻求相关的完善思路,并提出了对盗窃罪中扒窃行为如何理性认定以及如何进行司法完善的途径,以期通过撰写此文,对我国盗窃罪刑法制度的进一步完善、对司法实践更具操作性能有所裨益。
[Abstract]:With the official implementation of the Amendment (8) to the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China on May 1, 2011, the mode of conduct of the crime of theft has also been further clarified, including pickpocketing, burglary, and so on. However, the existing laws and regulations and judicial interpretation of the specific identification of the crime of theft is still not detailed enough, resulting in the identification of the behavior of theft, accomplished standards and other understanding differences. So that issues such as whether certain acts of theft can be recognized as crimes in the application of justice and the application of different penalties for the same acts are not effective in preventing and combating crimes, There is even a serious case of downgrading to deal with indulgent crime or expanding the scope of criminal assault. In particular, after pickpocketing alone, there have been many pickpocketing cases and suspected pickpocketing cases in various parts of the country. Due to the existing laws, the specific provisions and determinations of the crime of theft are still not sufficiently detailed in the judicial interpretation. The three organs of public security bureau, procuratorate and court all over the country have different understanding of the identification of pickpocketing crime, which has brought different degree of confusion to the grass-roots caseload handling pickpocketing cases. So it is necessary for pickpocketing to be punished separately, the concept of pickpocketing, the nature of pickpocketing, the punishment of pickpocketing, the conflict between pickpocketing and general provisions of criminal law, and so on. In order to strictly implement the "Amendment (8) to the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China" to crack down on pickpocketing, which seriously endangers the safety of life and property and the life order of the people, and to fully embody the special protection of the criminal law for the safety of persons and property, It is necessary to clarify questions and puzzles arising from different understandings in order to achieve the same qualitative criteria for the application of the same legal provisions, strictly enforce the principle of legality of criminal offences and punishment, adapt the principles of criminal responsibility and punishment, and make sure that there is no waste in doing so. We will effectively improve prevention and combat crime. The purpose of this paper is to expound the behavior mode, theoretical achievements and legislative status of pickpocketing in the crime of theft from the angle of the combination of judicial practice and theoretical theory, combined with the relevant theories and practices at home and abroad, and through sorting out all kinds of disputes caused by the criminal offence of pickpocketing. This paper analyzes the contradictions and disputes existing in the application of law in the practice of cracking down on the crime of pickpocketing after the crime of pickpocketing, and on the basis of in-depth study of the inevitability and necessity of the criminal offence of pickpocketing, analyzes the way of pickpocketing behavior. The essential elements of pickpocketing, the nature of pickpocketing, the accomplished and attempted attempts to make a substantial and objective understanding, to explore the deficiencies in the theory of pickpocketing and judicial determination in the crime of theft in China, and to seek the relevant ideas of perfection. The paper also puts forward the ways of how to rationally identify pickpocketing in the crime of theft and how to carry on the judicial perfection in order to further perfect the criminal law system of theft in our country by writing this article and to be of benefit to the judicial practice.


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