[Abstract]:With the gradual development of online game industry, as a new mode of economic system, the transaction of network virtual property has had an impact on the economic, legal and social rules of the past. Accordingly, crime also slowly infiltrates into the virtual domain, and has the trend of gradual development. According to the behavior of infringing network virtual property at present, its social harmfulness has reached quite serious degree, so it should be regulated as a crime with penalty. Specifically, the network virtual property has its inherent value, and there is an inevitable connection with the real society: the network virtual property gradually has various characteristics of the general property, and due to the scarcity of the network virtual property, Its trading prices will also continue to rise, sometimes reaching thousands of yuan or even tens of thousands of yuan. The actor can obtain a huge amount of illegal benefits through the behavior; In terms of the number of cases, the existing means such as public security punishment are no longer enough to contain the occurrence of such cases: it is of great significance to the social stability to regulate the interconnected life through criminal law and to protect the virtual property of the network, which is of great significance to the social stability. It is also one of the aims pursued by criminal law. The introduction discusses the source of the subject, the purpose of the research, the theoretical significance and the practical application value. The first part is an overview of the network virtual property crime theory. The content is to make a simple discussion on some basic problems of the network virtual property, including the concept and characteristics, the legal attribute of the network virtual property, the definition of the network virtual property crime. The second part discusses the types of network virtual property crime, discusses some common types of network virtual property crime, including fraud, theft, robbing network virtual property and other types of network virtual property crime. The third part discusses the constituent elements of network virtual property crime, including subject elements, subjective aspects, object elements and objective aspects. The fourth part is the legal status quo of the network virtual property crime in the mainland of China. The fifth part is the domestic and foreign comparative research of the network virtual property crime, including the legal regulation of the network virtual property crime in the related countries and regions. The sixth part discusses the improvement of the criminal law of the network virtual property crime, firstly discusses the necessity of the criminal law regulation, and then analyzes and envisages the concrete measures of the criminal law regulation. Finally, the conclusion part.
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