[Abstract]:Some of the problems in the execution of property penalty are caused by the difficulty of execution due to institutional reasons. Among these institutional factors, the representative aspects include the dual procedural structure between the court and the executed person in the execution of the property penalty, the impossibility of establishing the property preservation mechanism before the property criminal trial, and the sentencing procedure concerning the property issue in the criminal trial. The guarantee of property identification procedure is not in place, the effective way of execution incentive in practice can not be recognized and standardized by the legal procedure, and the system of property penalty section is lacking, and so on. The institutional factors that restrict the execution of property penalty have no essential relation with the subject of execution. If the institutional problems that lead to the difficult execution of property penalty are not solved, no matter which organ the property penalty is handed over to, it will face the same situation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;最高人民法院执行局;
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