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发布时间:2019-05-16 16:28
【摘要】:不纯正不作为犯的问题历来是刑法理论中的难题,不纯正不作为犯的理论发展至今虽有近两个世纪,但其中的几乎每一问题在理论都上都存在或多或少的分歧,作为义务来源的问题更是如此。 保证人地位理论即用来说明作为义务,以作为处罚不纯正不作为犯的依据。以保证人地位说明作为与不作为的等价性,进而来说明不作为犯的可罚性,源于学者那格拉(Nagler)在1938年所创设的保证人说,此学说的观点在不纯正不作为犯的作为义务问题上全异于之前的理论学说,作为义务的有无需要探讨行为人是否居于保证人地位,只有行为人居于此地位又能够履行义务,却出现了怠于履行的不作为情状,造成了刑法上所言的危害结果的发生,那么就会出现不作为与作为的等价性。由此看来,“保证人说”的创设,是对不纯正不作为犯领域研究的重大革新,对整个不作为犯理论体系的完善都起到了至关重要的作用。德国、日本等一些大陆法系的国家,都是在此学说的基础上进行了本国的不纯正不作为犯的立法。然而,我国刑法理论研究的关注点长期集中在形式作为义务来源的范围上,在实质方向上少有用心,无所发展。之于我国立法层面,总则没有提及不作为的问题,分则更是与不纯正不作为犯扯不上半点干系,这显然与德日的不作为犯的发展形成了鲜明对比。 刑法理论中,我国教科书很少有提及保证人地位理论,更多的是列举式的形式作为义务,因此在司法实践中,法庭对于以不作为方式造成危害结果的不纯正不作为犯的定罪处罚,不但没有相应条文的援引,而且也无坚实的法理基础支撑,被一些学者诟病为道德战胜了法律,因而研究保证人地位理论可以为进一步推进我国不纯正不作为犯的理论发展,藉此对我国立法层面提供一些有益的启示。 全文除引言与结论外共分三个部分,主要从保证人地位理论的内涵、发展以及适用方面对其进行了探讨。 第一部分是保证人地位理论的概述,主要剖析了“保证人地位”一词的含义,,并对其提出的背景进行了阐述,对作为义务理论的发展状况进行了概括梳理,分析了“作为义务”一词与“保证人地位”一词的关系,转而引出保证人的类型与特征,为后文的细化讨论做下铺垫。 第二部分是保证人地位理论的实质化运动,首先对前文所提“保证人说”进行来龙去脉的分析,进而综合概述保证人实质化理论发展的世界成果,在此基础上去保证人地位实质化运动进行总结评述,看到其进步性的同时,指出其理论发展过程中存在的瑕疵。 第三部分是全文的重点,是关于保证人地位理论在我国适用的探索,保证人地位理论虽然在一些国家有了较为成熟的发展,但也应认识到其存在的些许不足,且应预示其我国适用因出现水土不服而出现的某些排斥现象。所以对其进行新的解释和发展是适用之前首先要解决的,在理论有了根基后是对其类型的细化分析,通过一些小案例来实现对保证人类型的全面把握,最终对于在我国的适用提出立法层面以及理论发展方向的建议。
[Abstract]:The problem of non-pure non-crime has always been a difficult problem in the theory of criminal law, and it is not pure and not as the theoretical development of the crime. In recent two centuries, almost every problem in it has more or less differences in the theory, especially as the source of the obligation. To ensure that the theory of human status is used as an obligation to act as an act of punishment that is not pure and does not act as a crime In order to ensure that the status of the person is regarded as the equivalent of the non-act, the author of this theory, which is created by the scholar's granler in 1938, said that the theory's point of view was totally different from the previous theoretical study on the issue of the omission of the offender as an obligation. As an obligation, it is necessary to explore whether the perpetrator is in the guarantor's position, and only the actor is in this position and can fulfill the obligation, but the failure to perform the duty is not as a form of emotion, resulting in the result of the harm stated in the criminal law. If you're a student, you're going to be out of the way. Therefore, the creation of the "surety said" is an important innovation for the research in the field of non-pure crime and has played a very important role in the perfection of the criminal system as a whole In some countries of the continental law system, such as Germany and Japan, this theory has been established on the basis of this theory. However, the focus of the research on the theory of criminal law in our country is focused on the form as the source of obligation for a long time. In the aspect of our country's legislative level, the general rules do not refer to the problem of omission, and the separation is more and less pure and not as the one-point dry line, and it is clear that there is a clear contrast with the development of the non-crime of Germany In the theory of criminal law, there are few references to the theory of the guarantee of the status of the person, and more is the form of enumeration. The punishment of the crime not only does not have the reference of the corresponding provisions, but also has no solid legal basis support. On the Development of China, it is beneficial to provide some benefits to the legislative level of our country In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into three parts, mainly from the connotation, development and application of the theory of the guarantee of human status. The first part is an overview of the theory of ensuring the status of man. The meaning of the term "guarantee person's position" is mainly analyzed, and the background of the term is described. The development of the theory of obligation is summarized, and the word of "as an obligation" and the "guarantee" s position " 【学位授予单位】:河北经贸大学


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