[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the critical period of ecological civilization construction and promoting the rule of law in an all-round way, so it is necessary to strengthen the protection of ecological environment by using the rule of law. Environmental crime needs criminal law punishment, ecological civilization guarantee needs criminal law mechanism. In the construction of ecological civilization, it is necessary to scientifically allocate the functions of criminal law in the protection of legal interests, the protection of human rights and the maintenance of order in order to deal with the practical risks of risk society and maintain the basic character of criminal law. As a kind of human right form in the era of ecological civilization, ecological legal interest should be effectively protected by criminal law. The effective guarantee of ecological legal interest requires the typology, concretization and quantification of legal interest in criminal legislation, and the effective identification of legal interest, the measurement of legal interest and the refinement of justice in criminal justice. The criminal law guarantee of ecological civilization is led and restricted by the value of the whole rule of law. Criminal law, together with constitution, administrative law, environmental law and so on, should bear the mission of protecting ecological legal interests. The organic combination of criminal law technology and ecological science will help to protect the value of criminal law to human beings in ecological society.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学法学院;
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