[Abstract]:In recent years, with the combination of traditional money laundering and network technology, a new money laundering method has emerged, which uses electronic banking, electronic money, network betting and network sales to launder money. All kinds of new technologies in the network age provide a new opportunity for the crime of money laundering, and also make the ways and methods of money laundering more diversified, hidden, specialized and complicated. the increasingly rampant crime of network money laundering has greatly increased the difficulty of anti-money laundering in the international community. Specifically, the technical characteristics of the network make the intelligent and scientific and technological content of money-laundering crime continue to improve, the borderless characteristics of the network strengthen the internationalization trend of money-laundering crime, the virtual characteristics of the network further enhance the concealment of money-laundering crime, and the instant characteristics of the network further improve the convenience of money-laundering crime. In such a severe situation, we should improve the level of legislation, formulate a reasonable system model, establish an effective anti-network money laundering system, and prevent network money laundering from endangering the interests of the country and the people. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the origin of the research on network money laundering, including the definition and manifestation of network money laundering, as well as the research status of network money laundering in China. The second part discusses the international rules of network money laundering, including the Convention on cybercrime, the standards of the Financial Action Task Force and the construction of the system monitoring and mechanism construction of anti-money laundering behavior, and sums up and analyzes the institutional countermeasures used in the international anti-network money laundering. The third part expounds the system construction of anti-network money-laundering in our country, and puts forward the countermeasures of anti-network money-laundering from the aspects of perfecting the criminal system of anti-money-laundering, civil system and strengthening the mechanism of international cooperation.
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