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  本文关键词: 惩罚性赔偿 食品安全 惩罚性赔偿金 出处:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:惩罚性赔偿制度经过在英美法系国家长期的发展与完善,其理论如今已深入影响到以前对其持摒弃态度的大陆法系国家或地区。我国在93年的《消费者权益保护法》中第--次引入了惩罚性赔偿的概念后,《食品安全法》与《侵权责任法》相继确立了该制度在法律中的适用。虽然惩罚性赔偿的适用在我国法学理论界与司法实践中曾经引起了很多的争议,但不可否认的是,惩罚性赔偿制度已经突破了我国传统的民事责任体系。随着我国关于此项立法的逐步规范,惩罚性赔偿制度将对我国社会主义市场经济秩序的稳定发挥不可估量的作用。 本文将就食品安全这一特定领域作为研究范围,以惩罚性损害赔偿在食品安全领域中的适用为研究对象。结合本国国情,对该制度在我国适用的状况予以审视,并通过比较、分析美国、德国和台湾地区食品安全惩罚性损害赔偿制度,以希为我国该项法律制度的完善寻找突破口。具体说来,文章除导论与结语外,共分为四部分。 第一部分主要讲了惩罚性赔偿在食品安全领域适用中的三个基本问题:一是将此制度与其他两种赔偿制度相比较,用以分析三者之间的不同之处。由于本文只关注民事法律所调整责任,所以对行政法上的罚款、刑事法上的罚金不作讨论研究,而只对补偿性赔偿与精神损害赔偿展开阐述;二是分析惩罚性赔偿的价值追求,惩罚性赔偿存在的理由在于其独特的价值,其适用因具有的惩罚手段而带有强烈的目的性。因此这种价值最大特征就是将手段与目的相统一。三是说明我国食品安全领域适用惩罚性赔偿的必要性。并在该节中认为自《食品安全法》实施以来,我国食品安全状况并没有多大改善的原因并不在于惩罚性赔偿制度本身的过错,而是其功效并没有得到充分发挥的结论。 第二部分内容主要是对食品安全惩罚性赔偿在中国立法方面如何适用的问题进行介绍并对此予以探讨。惩罚性赔偿作为上世纪我国法律所引进的“舶来品”,其最早体现在我国93年通过的《消费者权益保护法》第49条的内容之中,而后伴随20年来我国法律体系的不断进步与完善,《侵权责任法》、《食品安全法》相继都有了对此制度的规定。本章作者也主要对这三部法律予以分析,重点探讨我国该制度在适用过程中构成要件、归责原则、惩罚金额确定等问题。找出其制度构建仍然存在的缺陷,是本章的主要任务。 第三部分是对美国、德国以及中国台湾在食品安全领域适用惩罚性赔偿的考察。美国作为惩罚性赔偿最早发源国之一,其理论研究与法律制度构建都有很高的建树,我国理应首先向该国学习研究;德国作为大陆法系的代表国家,对我国的民法传统有深远的影响,它对该制度的做法也是我国需要审慎研究的内容;台湾对惩罚性赔偿的研究与法律制度的建设很早便已开始,两地具有相似性的人情风貌必定会为我国大陆该项法律制度的发展有着良好的参考价值。 第四部分的主要内容是对我国惩罚性赔偿的法律适用提出完善的意见。主要包括惩罚性赔偿适用范围、惩罚性赔偿金计算标准以及诉讼程序保障三方面。 本文创新之处在于以食品安全惩罚性赔偿相关法条内容为主线,案例与问题贯穿始终,注重该制度在实践过程中的具体操作。提出针对行为人不同的主观状态承担不同赔偿责任,《食品安全法》中惩罚性赔偿金额可以借鉴新颁布的《消费者权益保护法》相关内容等建议。由于笔者的理论功底以及外文检索能力的影响,对该制度的本次研究可能存在剖析不够深入、分析不够全面等问题,某些语言文字的组织可能稍显稚拗。
[Abstract]:The punitive damages system has been deeply influenced by the long - term development and perfection of the Anglo - American law system . After the introduction of the concept of punitive damages in the legal theory and judicial practice of China in the past 93 years , the application of the system in law has been established . Although the application of punitive damages has caused many disputes in the legal theory and judicial practice of our country , the punitive damages system will play an important role in the stability of the socialist market economy order in our country . This paper will study the application of punitive damages in the field of food safety by taking the specific field of food safety as the research scope . In combination with the national conditions , this paper examines the situation of food safety in our country . By comparing and analyzing the system of punitive damages for food safety in the United States , Germany and Taiwan , the author tries to find a breakthrough in the perfection of the legal system in China . In particular , the article is divided into four parts in addition to the introduction and conclusion . The first part mainly deals with three basic problems in the application of punitive damages in the field of food safety : one is to compare the system with other two kinds of compensation systems to analyze the differences between them . The second part introduces and discusses how to apply the punitive damages of food safety in China ' s legislation . The punitive damages , which are introduced in our country ' s law in the past 20 years , are first embodied in the contents of Article 49 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection adopted in China in 93 years . The third part is the investigation of the application of punitive damages in the field of food safety in the United States , Germany and Taiwan . The United States , as one of the earliest origin countries of punitive damages , has a very high theoretical research and legal system construction . It has far - reaching influence on China ' s civil law tradition . The study of punitive damages and the construction of the legal system have begun . The fourth part is mainly about the application of punitive damages in our country , including punitive damages , punitive damages calculation standard and procedural safeguard . The innovation of this paper is that the content of the relevant laws of food safety punitive damages is the main line , the case and the problem run through all the time , paying attention to the concrete operation of the system in the practical process .



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4 张新宝;李倩;;惩罚性赔偿的立法选择[J];清华法学;2009年04期

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