本文关键词: 转基因食品 公众知情权 标签制度 信息公开 公众参与 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The right to know is a fundamental human right in the Constitution. The legal protection of the public's right to know about genetically modified foods is based on the laws and regulations such as the Consumer Rights and interests Protection Law, the Food Safety Law, and the regulations on the publicity of Government Information. The right of the public, food producers and operators to participate in the disclosure of information. Of course, the legal protection to realize the public's right to know about genetically modified foods does not come out of thin air, but has a profound inevitability. From the theoretical and practical aspects, The theory of the right to know in the democratic constitutional society, the theory of modern risk society, and the genetically modified food itself are influenced by various factors, such as culture, politics and economy, etc. The United States and the European Union are typical representatives of the two policies in the world. Through a study of the two related systems, it was found that. Although the United States and the European Union have very different attitudes towards GM foods, they attach great importance to procedural justice in their approval and decision-making procedures, and have similar mechanisms for information disclosure and public participation. The differences between the policies of the United States and the European Union not only relate to the different attitudes towards genetically modified foods, but also lie in the differences in the development of genetically modified biotechnology between the two countries and the game between political and economic interests behind them. Its experience and lessons enlighten us that we should realize the balance between grain strategy and the legal guarantee of public right to know, and we should not lose sight of one another. At the same time, from the comparative analysis of the two systems and the trend of development, It can also be seen that the legal protection of the public's knowledge of genetically modified foods is an inevitable choice. China also has a series of corresponding laws and regulations to protect the public's right to know about genetically modified foods. By combing through the laws and regulations of the labelling system of genetically modified foods, it can be found that, China's regulation of genetically modified foods has been retrogressive, and its attitude towards GM foods is more relaxed than before. The new revision of the Food Safety Law is only a formal compromise to the public's voice. Generally speaking, The labelling system of transgenic food in our country is not perfect, the government information disclosure of transgenic food has some problems, such as passivity, conservatism, unidirectionality, fuzziness between information disclosure and non-disclosure, and public participation is blank. Although there is a strong public clamour for information on GM foods, there is no recourse, and citizens' claims are often fragmented and individual, leading to limited influence. The choice of legal protection of the public's right to know about genetically modified foods does not exist in isolation. It is associated with a country's food security strategy and the level of biotechnology development. The religious beliefs of consumers and the protection of the environment are inextricably linked. In order to realize the legal protection of the public's right to know about genetically modified foods, it is necessary to remove the relevant obstacles and reshape the concept of legal protection of the public's right to know about genetically modified foods. In order to further improve the specific legal system, to ensure the good implementation of the legal system.
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