本文关键词: 过度医疗 侵权责任 赔偿原则 出处:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Excessive medical treatment, as a difficult problem, has seriously affected the standard of living and the quality of life of ordinary people, who are quite critical of the price of medicines and the quality of medical services. Among them, excessive medical treatment is a very important cause of this phenomenon. To study over-medical behavior is helpful to understand the phenomenon of excessive medical treatment deeply, and to let ordinary people understand excessive medical treatment. When the legitimate rights and interests are damaged, learn to use the legal weapon to solve, so that the phenomenon of excessive medical treatment can be alleviated to a certain extent. The first part is the introduction part of the thesis, the second part introduces the basic theory of excessive medical treatment behavior, firstly, a reasonable definition of "degree". It is very important to define the concept of "degree" reasonably. Secondly, it clarifies the concept of excessive medical treatment from the legal point of view, then analyzes the legal nature of excessive medical treatment, and discusses the legal nature of excessive medical treatment. The third part introduces the current situation of the legal regulation of excessive medical treatment, the current situation of the legal regulation of excessive medical tort, and the current situation of the legal regulation of excessive medical tort, the third part introduces the current situation of the legal regulation of excessive medical treatment. The 4th part is the core part of this paper, which is related to how to correctly understand the over-medical behavior, and how to determine the over-medical behavior. First of all, the principle of imputation is expounded, and then the constituent elements of overtreatment are discussed in detail. Part 5th is about who should bear the responsibility and how to bear the responsibility. The 6th part analyzes the deficiency of the current law in prescribing excessive medical treatment and the corresponding perfect suggestions.
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