本文关键词: 行政 授权 研究 出处:《西南政法大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在我国行政法理上,往往将“法律法规授权”直接等同于行政授权,而对于真正意义上的行政授权,即“行政职权转移”意义上的行政授权,未予以足够重视。事实上,“行政职权转移”意义上的行政授权广泛存在于各国的公共行政实践;虽然各国在行政法理上对行政授权关注不多且缺少系统地研究,但均不同程度的承认其客观存在。 笔者立足于宪政建设和公共行政改革之大背景,采用比较研究的方法,从行政职权在行政组织之间流转,即行政职权转移的视角,探讨究行政授权,对行政授权的理论基础、正当性分析和制度构建进行了系统的突破性研究。 本文首次系统地对各国行政授权的现实和理论进行了深入考察,不仅证明了行政授权在实践中的广泛存在和行政法理对行政授权之肯认,而且以比较分析的方法,指出了我国与其他国家和地区在行政授权理论基础、现实表现上的差异以及存在的问题。 本文还首次对行政授权存在的正当性进行了深入追问。对行政授权正当性的追问,实际上是从“发生的进路”,,也即从“行政授权是如何产生的”路径,探讨其存在的合理性与必要性。笔者认为,行政授权符合当代宪法的基本原则和宪政精神,具备行政法理和公共行政实践基础。行政授权正当化的进路在于:授权主体合法、合理地以理性的态度和正当的程序授出行政职权。 从理论研究与实践相统一的角度,本文对与行政授权的实践性紧密联系的相关问题——行政授权的定位、行政授权法律关系属性、行政授权行为的合法性要件、行政授权的条件限制以及被授权人的行政法地位等进行了重点探讨,提出了自己的观点。 而且,笔者并没有仅仅停留于理论层面的研究,还结合我国行政授权理论研究和实践现状,并借鉴其他国家和地区行政授权实践,指出我国行政法治的实践需要加强对行政授权的规范,行政授权规范化的路径在于——加强理论研究、完善立法和构建相关具体制度。
[Abstract]:In our country's administrative legal theory, we often equate "law and regulation authorization" with administrative authorization directly, but for the real sense of administrative authorization, that is, administrative authorization in the sense of "transfer of administrative authority", In fact, administrative authorization in the sense of "transfer of administrative authority" widely exists in the public administration practice of various countries; although there is little attention and systematic study on administrative authorization in administrative jurisprudence, But they all admit their objective existence to varying degrees. Based on the background of constitutional construction and public administration reform, the author adopts the method of comparative study, from the perspective of the transfer of administrative authority between administrative organizations, to explore the theoretical basis of administrative authorization. The legitimacy analysis and the system construction have carried on the systematic breakthrough research. This paper, for the first time, systematically investigates the reality and theory of administrative authorization in various countries, which not only proves the extensive existence of administrative authorization in practice and the willingness of administrative jurisprudence to recognize administrative authorization, but also uses the method of comparative analysis. This paper points out the differences between China and other countries and regions in the theoretical basis of administrative authorization, the actual performance and the existing problems. This paper also makes a deep inquiry into the legitimacy of the existence of administrative authorization for the first time. In fact, the inquiry into the legitimacy of administrative authorization is based on the "path of occurrence", that is, from the path of "how the administrative authorization comes into being". The author holds that the administrative authorization accords with the basic principles of the contemporary constitution and the spirit of constitutionalism, and has the basis of administrative law and public administration practice. To give administrative authority in a rational manner and due process. From the point of view of the unity of theory and practice, this paper focuses on the related problems which are closely related to the practicality of administrative authorization-the orientation of administrative authorization, the attribute of legal relationship of administrative authorization, and the legal elements of administrative authorization. This paper mainly discusses the restriction of administrative authorization and the administrative law status of the authorized person, and puts forward its own viewpoint. Moreover, the author does not just stay in the theoretical level of research, but also combined with our country's administrative authorization theory and practice, and draw lessons from other countries and regions of the practice of administrative authorization, It is pointed out that the practice of administrative rule of law in our country needs to strengthen the standardization of administrative authorization, and the way of standardization of administrative authorization lies in strengthening theoretical research, perfecting legislation and constructing relevant concrete system.
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