本文选题:行政允诺 切入点:责任政府 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy and the deepening of the process of political democratization, the government is faced with many problems in the process of transition to service-oriented government. How to handle the relationship between the government and the public, Improving the level of administration is one of the most important issues. Due to its non-mandatory and flexible behavior, administrative promise is expanding public participation. The important value of improving the credibility of the government is favored by the administrative organs. The implementation of the administrative promise has produced good social effects, which can promote the publicity of government information. More and more attention has been paid to the important role of maintaining social stability. However, the lack of legislation and supporting systems, and the lack of relevant theoretical research, make the development of administrative promise behavior lack of stamina. In order to standardize the administrative promise behavior, the Supreme people's Court issued the case notice in 2004, which included the administrative promise as an act actionable administrative act to be included in the scope of the administrative lawsuit accepted by the people's court. However, it has not responded to the relevant rights of the administrative counterpart and some problems involved in the administrative promise litigation. Therefore, in practice, the people's court has caused the people's court not to accept or accept the relevant administrative promise behavior cases for a long time. Objectively, judicial resources have been wasted, and the cost of safeguarding the rights of the administrative counterpart has been increased. The emergence of this situation undoubtedly makes the relationship between the government and the people even more difficult, which is already very tense at present. It is also very disadvantageous to safeguard the authoritative image of the government and the legitimate rights and interests of the relative person. The administrative promise has been widely used in the actual administration of our country's administrative organs, and has achieved good social results. However, due to the lack of theoretical and institutional research on administrative promise behavior, many related legal system problems of administrative promise behavior in the implementation process are not satisfactory, and need to be improved. The author hopes that some shallow views and suggestions of this article can contribute to the development of administrative promise behavior system.
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