本文选题:转基因食品 切入点:法律规制 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:From the first day of its birth, genetically modified foods have been controversial. On the one hand, genetically modified foods do have advantages that traditional foods do not have, such as increasing grain production, reducing the use of pesticides, and increasing the nutritional value of food. Food has a certain function or shape. On the other hand, the safety of genetically modified food is still doubtful, although there is no direct evidence that GM food is not suitable for human consumption. But the hamster's gut and immune system were damaged after eating genetically modified soybeans, which is enough to cause panic among consumers. The world's environmental problems are acute and the food crisis is worsening. People also have higher and higher demands on the function of food, and they have to admit that the emergence of genetically modified foods has brought good news to society. The development of genetically modified foods has become an irreversible trend. So the government and scholars should pay more attention to how to improve the level of GM technology, while managing the safety of GM food. Bring the development of genetically modified food into the legal orbit, minimize or even avoid all possible risks of genetically modified food. The objective existence of genetically modified food makes us unable to avoid it. Its development as a new thing must be tortuous, we need to look at genetically modified food, The main purpose of this paper is to correctly grasp the international trend of GM food development, deeply understand the national conditions of our country, draw lessons from the experience of foreign advanced nature, and recognize the loopholes of legal regulation in our country. On this basis, the author puts forward some feasible suggestions to improve the legal regulation of GM food, effectively guard against risks, create a good atmosphere of GM food market, and establish consumer confidence. In addition to the foreword and conclusion, the article is divided into four parts: the first part is an overview. In this paper, the concept of genetically modified food (GMF) and the risk of GMF are introduced, and the development status of GMF in China is introduced, and the potential environmental risk of GMF is controlled. The necessity of regulation is discussed from the point of view of food safety risk and consumer rights protection. In addition, the inherent advantages of legal means make legal regulation become an inevitable choice for risk control of genetically modified foods. The third part is the analysis of the current situation of the legal regulation of genetically modified food in China, the author from the concept of legal regulation, legislation, This paper expounds the current situation of our country's legal regulation from several angles of law enforcement and supervision, and on this basis analyzes the shortcomings of our country's legal regulation, including the unclear concept of regulation, incomplete legislation, low legal rank and confusion of law enforcement departments. The fourth part is the suggestion of perfecting the legal regulation of genetically modified food in our country, the author is drawing on the experience of foreign countries. Suggestions based on China's national conditions include a "cautious" security concept, more authoritative and detailed legislation, The author uses the graph to show the setting up of the specific organization and the responsibility of the law enforcement department and the supervision agency from the three angles of environmental protection, food safety and consumer rights protection.
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