发布时间:2018-04-01 22:22
本文选题:水文生态 切入点:水文生态安全 出处:《长安大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:涉水问题研究到今天,不仅仅要考虑到水的自身,还要考虑到人类与水的关系,更要考虑到由水引发的人与人之间的关系,这需要引入水安全的概念。水文生态安全保障是实现水安全保障的基础。法律角度研究水文生态安全不仅为更新涉水问题研究提供理论依据;而且为完成现代涉水法治建设提供基础论证,更是为生态安全保障的法律规制提供必要的理论借鉴。 本文从解析概念入手,,总结国内外认知的基础上,运用语义分析法、借鉴分析法提出“水文生态安全”的概念认识。进而运用多学科的知识分析了水文生态安全问题的典型表现,提出水文生态安全保障的必要性和可行性。运用法理学原理分析法律在水文生态安全保障中的重要作用并做出法律保障的路径安排。继而综合运用法理学和协同论,从形式建构和内容建构两个方面提出了完善水文生态安全保障法律框架的构想。再以三项法律制度为例提出具体的法律建议,对水文生态安全保障进行了实证分析。 本文涵盖如下几个重要的观点:(1)水安全是水被理解为环境因子、资源因子和社会因子保证水处于良好循环,实现为人类持续供给,达到人人平等享有水资源,保障国家政治稳定的良好状态。水文生态安全指充分重视水文系统与周围生态系统之间关系的基础上,维持水文生态平衡的良好状态。(2)目前的水体、湿地、地表植被和生物多样性等都集中曝露出水文生态安全问题,水文生态安全保障刻不容缓。(3)我国目前虽然没有直接关于水文生态安全保障的法律规定,但法律体系和法律内容上都还有所涉及,只是存在不少弊病。(4)法律凭借其确认、保护、协调和预设的功能,在水文生态安全保障中起到不可或缺的重要作用;协同不同学科的知识为完成水文生态安全保障提供了更广阔的前景。(5)形式上建构国家到地方不同法律效力等级的纵向架构以及从水事系统延伸至周围生态系统的横向建构;内容上建构水文生态安全论证、生态环境用水评价、三水统观统管等三个层面的制度模块,就形成了形式与内容上的水文生态安全保障的法律框架。(6)总结分析我国现有的水资源论证制度,生态环境用水制度和地下水管理制度的基础上,提出具体的法律制定建议,能够为水文生态安全保障提供更具操作性的法律实证分析。 本文首次从法律角度聚焦水文生态安全,结合运用生态学、水文学、社会学、管理学等层面的学科知识的基础上,在如下几个方面进行了新的思考探索:一是阐释“水文生态安全”的概念,使水问题的研究范畴更加明确。二是强调水文生态安全保障的重要理念,最终落脚于法律层面探讨水文生态的安全保障。三是协同多学科知识,并融合于法律规范的制定中,试图进行多学科融合的创新突破与拓展,为解决涉水问题为提供新的思路。四是从形式和内容两个层面提出水文生态安全保障的法律框架的构想。
[Abstract]:The research of water - related safety is not only taking account of water itself , but also taking into account the relationship between man and water , taking into account the relationship between man and man caused by water , which needs to introduce the concept of water safety .
Moreover , to provide the basis for the completion of the construction of modern water - related rule of law , it provides the necessary theoretical reference for the legal regulation of ecological security .
Based on the concept of analysis , the paper summarizes the concept of hydrological and ecological security by using semantic analysis method .
( 1 ) Water safety is a good condition in which water is understood as environmental factors , resource factors and social factors to ensure that water is in good circulation , and that it can realize the sustainable supply of human beings , achieve equal access to water resources and guarantee the political stability of the country .
The knowledge of different disciplines provides a broader prospect for the accomplishment of hydrological and ecological security . ( 5 ) The vertical structure of constructing the national to local legal effect level in the form and the horizontal construction from the water system to the surrounding ecological system are provided .
On the basis of analyzing the existing water resources demonstration system , ecological environment water system and groundwater management system , this paper puts forward concrete laws and suggestions to provide more operational legal empirical analysis for hydrological and ecological security .
This paper focuses on the study of hydrological and ecological security firstly from the angle of law , combining with the application of the knowledge of ecology , hydrology , sociology , management and so on . The first is to explain the concept of " hydrological ecology security " , to make the research scope of water problem more clear .
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