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发布时间:2018-04-27 13:19

  本文选题:大气污染 + 治霾 ; 参考:《石油石化绿色低碳》2016年04期

[Abstract]:The Air pollution Prevention and Control Law of the people's Republic of China is the first special environmental protection law since the new environmental protection law was promulgated and implemented. The new law has made large-scale adjustments to the existing provisions, added "Joint Prevention and Control of Air pollution in key regions" and "measures to deal with heavy pollution Weather," and put forward measures to control the source, strengthen government responsibilities, and jointly control regional joint prevention and control. It is closely related to the production of petrochemical enterprises to define the total emission control and emission permits, and to control haze by science and technology. Sinopec focuses on the central work of "adjusting the structure, raising quality and increasing efficiency" and "value leading, innovation-driven, resource coordination, open cooperation, green and low-carbon" development strategy, and strictly implementing environmental protection responsibilities. Promote green low-carbon development, with action to protect the blue water and blue sky.
【作者单位】: 中国石化江汉油田;


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