发布时间:2018-04-28 16:38
本文选题:通辽市 + 农牧业 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:当前,我国农村牧区经济快速发展,已经站在了新的历史起点上,工业化、信息化及城镇化的深入发展,对加快推进我国农牧业现代化发展提出了新的要求。实行综合行政执法是农牧业依法行政、加快农牧业工作发展的重要方法和有效途径。农牧业综合行政执法机构是在农牧业行政主管部门内部将分散的执法权统一起来,专门独立行使农牧业行政处罚权的执法机构。自我国实行了农牧业综合行政执法后,农牧业执法的执法主体得到了明确、使分散在农牧业各个部门间的执法力量凝聚在了一起、并且实现了农牧业执法人员的专职化。但是目前我国农牧业综合行政执法也面临着起步比较晚、执法范围比较广、而执法数量却很大、执法手段相对落后、任务很繁重的难题。 本文通过参考国内外有关农牧业综合执法方面的相关理论及实践,针对通辽市的实际情况,对通辽市农牧业综合行政执法的基本情况、存在的问题进行了分析研究,指出了目前通辽市农牧业综合行政执法存在的突出问题是执法机构的地位有待进一步提高、执法队伍的整体素质有待进一步加强、执法相对人和农牧民群众的法律意识淡薄、执法监督机制不够健全以及同其他单位部门之间缺少沟通与协作;其次文章通过对通辽市农牧业综合行政执法存在的问题进行剖析,找出了问题存在的原因;针对存在的问题及原因,本文提出了优化方案并对其进行了论证。 最后,本文从制度建设、联动机制、监督检查机制等方面提出了对策建议。要使执法机构充分发挥作用,就要解决机构内部的自身问题,形成检测、监督、处罚三位一体的工作格局,缩短流程,提高工作效率,建立一支职能明确、运行高效、行为规范、执法公正的规范化农牧业综合行政执法队伍。
[Abstract]:At present, the rapid development of economy in rural and pastoral areas of our country has been standing at a new historical starting point. The further development of industrialization, information and urbanization has put forward new requirements for speeding up the modernization of agriculture and animal husbandry in China. Comprehensive administrative law enforcement is an important method and an effective way to speed up the development of agricultural and animal husbandry work. The comprehensive administrative law enforcement agency of agriculture and animal husbandry is a law enforcement agency which unifies the decentralized power of law enforcement within the competent department of agriculture and animal husbandry administration and exercises the power of administrative punishment of agriculture and animal husbandry independently. Since the implementation of comprehensive administrative law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry in our country, the main body of law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry has been clarified, so that the law enforcement forces scattered among the various departments of agriculture and animal husbandry have been condensed together, and the full-time law enforcement personnel of agriculture and animal husbandry have been realized. However, at present, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry in our country is faced with the difficult problem of starting relatively late, having a wide range of law enforcement, but the quantity of law enforcement is very large, the law enforcement means are relatively backward, and the task is very heavy. By referring to the relevant theories and practices of comprehensive law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry at home and abroad, this paper analyzes and studies the basic situation and problems of comprehensive administrative law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry in Tongliao City, aiming at the actual situation of Tongliao City. It is pointed out that the outstanding problems existing in the comprehensive administrative law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry in Tongliao are that the status of the law enforcement agencies needs to be further improved, the overall quality of the law enforcement team needs to be further strengthened, and the legal consciousness of the relative persons and the farmers and herdsmen is weak. The supervision mechanism of law enforcement is not perfect and there is no communication and cooperation with other units. Secondly, the article analyzes the problems existing in the comprehensive administrative law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry in Tongliao City, and finds out the reasons for the problems. In view of the existing problems and reasons, this paper puts forward the optimization scheme and demonstrates it. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions from system construction, linkage mechanism, supervision and inspection mechanism and so on. To give full play to the role of law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to solve their own internal problems, form a trinity work pattern of detection, supervision and punishment, shorten the process, improve work efficiency, and establish a clear function and efficient operation. Standard of conduct, law enforcement fair standardization of agricultural and animal husbandry comprehensive administrative law enforcement team.
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