本文选题:信访 + 制度 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As a special system of our country, the system of letter and visit has its own Chinese characteristics. The original intention of the petition system is to closely contact the masses, understand the public, and solve the masses' practical problems and difficulties. But with the change of the times, especially in the social and economic structure changes, the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen, the judicial, law enforcement and law-abiding situation is not optimistic, the issue of letters and visits has been rising year by year. Due to the improper measures taken by the government in the face of the petition group, this has led to many mass incidents, and serious criminal cases have even occurred in some areas, which have caused serious social impact, and have also made the public to the government. The loss of trust in the law will ultimately make it difficult for the rule of law to be deeply rooted in the people's mind. On May 1, 2005, the State Council issued a new Regulation on the work of Letters and visits, and local government departments at all levels also formulated corresponding local laws and regulations as the legal basis for handling the work of letters and visits. The Central Committee has also established the "responsibility system and accountability system for centralized handling of letters and visits" and the "one-vote veto system for petition work" to urge local leaders to pay attention to and solve the problem of people's petitions and visits. The problem of letters and visits is due to the irrational reaction of the public to the unfair administration of justice, the expression of interests, and the untimely relief of rights. In their practical work, the local government has used inappropriate methods of handling letters and visits for the so-called achievements and image projects, such as intercepting visits to Beijing, setting up a Beijing office, not receiving local petitioners, and so on. And from time to time there are violent expulsions of petitioners. There are some problems and deficiencies in the system of petition and visit in our country. We should not only dare to admit, but also have the determination to make up for the deficiency, and constantly improve the system of letters and visits. The establishment of petition system is based not only on theory but also on reality. Theory and practice promote the development and evolution of petition system. This article is based on the analysis of the meaning of letters and visits as a starting point, and then analyzes the problems and shortcomings of the letter and visit system, through the reference of domestic and foreign similar to the system of letters and visits in China, take the essence of the system, and discard its dross. On the basis of summarizing its common points, this paper summarizes the enlightenment to our country's petition system. Finally, by putting forward a series of suggestions and ideas to perfect the system of letters and visits, make it become the organ of the government and the sword of the people.
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