本文选题:食品安全 + 监管主体制度 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:From the point of view of the system design, the main system of food safety supervision in China is essentially the interpretation and defense of the theory of public interest regulation. The theory of public interest regulation is based on the good of the government, and the omnipotence is the main subject. It is reflected in the system design, which is the lack of incentive and supervision of the law enforcement and the poor supervision of the law enforcement of food safety in our country. From an economic perspective, China's food safety regulators are only agents of the public, and they differ from the social public being the objective function between the clients. If the two fundamental problems are not solved from the institutional level, they can not be fundamentally reduced. On the basis of the deep analysis of the theoretical and institutional roots of our country's food safety supervision and law enforcement, this paper proposes to replace the public with the principle of entrustment theory, on the basis of the in-depth analysis of the theoretical and institutional roots of the poor food safety supervision and law enforcement in our country. The theory of common interest regulation takes incentive and constraint as the focus of the main system of food safety supervision in China, so as to prevent the "adverse selection" and "moral hazard" of the subject of food safety supervision in our country. This article is divided into five parts except the introduction. The introduction aims at clarifying the background of the topic, the research review and the research. The first part, the present situation of food safety supervision and law enforcement in China. This part shows the existence of the poor law enforcement of food safety supervision in our country, and provides practical samples for the analysis of the latter. The second part, the theoretical basis and review of the subject system of food safety supervision in China. The subject system of product safety supervision is the interpretation and defense of the theory of public interest regulation. The human nature presupposition of "good and universal" on the subject of law enforcement ignores the characteristics of the "economic man" in the law enforcement department, which leads to the double softening of incentive and restraint in the design of the main system of food safety supervision in China, resulting in the food safety of our country. In the third part, the relationship between the social public and the subject of food safety supervision can be proposed as an economic principal-agent relationship. The advantage of this system is that it not only recognizes the subject of food safety supervision. It also recognizes the difference between the social public and the subject of food safety supervision, which makes the incentive and constraint as the focus of the design of the subject system of food safety supervision, in order to prevent the "reverse choice" and "morality" of the agent caused by the false position of the principal, the pluralism of the agent and the asymmetric information. The fourth part is the extraterritorial experience of solving the problem of entrusting the agent of the law enforcement of food safety supervision. Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries have established the information exchange mechanism to integrate the functional departments and improve the income of the law enforcement personnel. The system design of level and so on solves the problems of information asymmetry, insufficient incentive of agent and so on. It provides reference and reference experience for the improvement of the main system of food safety supervision in China. The fifth part, the complete good of the main system of food safety supervision in China under the perspective of principal-agent theory. This paper puts forward some measures, such as the introduction of public interest litigation, and the integration of functional departments, to improve the main system of food safety supervision in China, so as to minimize the problems of food safety supervision and enforcement of law enforcement in our country.
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