本文选题:土地承包经营权 + 土地经营权 ; 参考:《法学杂志》2016年12期
[Abstract]:At present, the typical trust mode of land management right in China includes "grass tail mode", "Shaoxing mode", "CITIC mode" and so on. The legal problems in the practice of land management right trust include: frequent adjustment of land contractual management right and land circulation gold, offside role of government, unclear property right attribute of trust property, absence of protection of farmers' interests, To change the agricultural use of cultivated land and the illegality or nonstandard problems in the establishment of land management right trust. The root of these problems lies in the lag or absence of relevant laws and regulations. In order to construct the trust mode of land management right in our country, it is necessary to formulate or modify the laws and regulations related to land management right trust in time, such as the adjustment of land contract management right in the "Rural Land contract Law". The legal provisions of the principle of recovery and transfer, and the legal provisions of Article 35 on subcontracting. To amend the property Law and establish the system of farmland property right which is separated by collective land ownership, land contract management and land management. In view of the over-macro regulation of Trust Law and the uniqueness of land management trust, special legislation should be made on land management trust.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学法学院;
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