[Abstract]:With the development of socialist market economy, "governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law" has been confirmed by the Constitution of our country, and the most important thing in building a country ruled by law is to build a government ruled by law. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has also put forward the goal of "comprehensively implementing the basic strategy of governing the country according to law, building a government ruled by law, improving the credibility of the judiciary, and ensuring human rights" by 2020. So, how to judge whether the rule of law government is basically built? What are the criteria? How many ways are there to go between the construction of the existing rule of law government and the goal to be achieved? What specific measures need to be strengthened? This paper aims at the construction of the government by law, hoping to help the construction of the government by law. In the introduction part, it points out the background of this problem and the new requirements for the construction of the government under the rule of law in the new government, and introduces the present situation of domestic research and the research ideas, innovations and shortcomings of this paper. In the second part, the author introduces the basic theory of the rule of law government, starts with the concept of the rule of law in the west, then expounds the concept of the government ruled by law in the context of China, and then draws out the characteristics of the rule of law government in China compared with the western government under the rule of law. For the following pointed out the rule of law government to build the basic standards and measures to pave the way. In the third part of the article, combined with the existing research results and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the people's Republic of China, it puts forward four standards to measure the basic construction of the government ruled by law, respectively from the provisions of the law that the source of power must come from. The procedure of the exercise of power must be within the framework permitted by law, define the role of government power and market and social division of labor, as well as tort relief. In the fourth part, based on the third part, the author puts forward five measures to construct the government by law in our country. They are: changing the policy-driven reform mode, dealing well with the division of labor and cooperation between government and market. The main body of power should train the thinking of the rule of law, strengthen the implementation of the index system of the government ruled by law, and implement and perfect the system of government legal adviser. There is not a full list of construction initiatives, but the parts mentioned are described in detail.
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