发布时间:2018-08-23 15:18
【摘要】:1996年《职业教育法》的颁布与实施,是我国职业教育改革发展史上一个重要里程碑,该法从提高劳动者素质、促进生产、调节劳动力供求、保持社会稳定等方面促进了我国职业教育的发展。 2010年颁布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010-2020)中明确指出,“发展职业教育是推动经济发展、促进就业、改善民生、解决“三农”问题的重要途径,是缓解劳动力供求结构矛盾的关键环节,必须摆在更加突出的位置。”此外,《纲要》表示必须要“大力发展职业教育”、“增强职业教育吸引力”、“到2020年,形成适应经济发展方式转变和产业结构调整要求、体现终身教育理念、中等和高等职业教育协调发展的现代职业教育体系。”2013年中共十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中指出,在深化教育领域综合改革方面,要“加快现代职业教育体系建设,深化产教融合、校企合作,培养高素质劳动者和技能型人才”。这些国家层面的规划和决定,为我国今后相当长的一个时期职业教育改革创新发展指明了目标、任务和途径。 反观已经实施了18年的我国《职业教育法》,,其立法精神未能很好体现“以人为本”、“终身教育”等现代教育理念;立法上依据不清楚、定位不准、原则性条款过多;体例过于简单、笼统;内容缺少“法律责任”部分等。为适应我国经济结构的转型升级、调整教育系统内部结构、促进社会发展和法治进步,《职业教育法》的修订已势在必行,以便能尽快将1996年以来的职业教育发展方面的经验、政策上升为法律,大幅度提升职业教育的发展空间,促进职业教育稳定、健康、有序发展。 全文共分五个部分: 第一部分问题的缘起。以职业教育现实为基础,通过梳理相关文献,从而提出论文的研究框架和研究思路。 第二部分职业教育法概述。通过界定职业教育法的相关概念,探寻了职业教育法的相关理论,为《职业教育法》的修订奠定理论基础。 第三部分国外职业教育立法的经验与启示。通过研究发达国家的职业教育法的立法精神、条文规范和立法技术,从中得到了一些启示。 第四部分我国《职业教育法》存在的问题及原因。通过对《职业教育法》文本的分析及实施效果的考量,探讨了《职业教育法》在立法上及实施过程中所在的问题,并分析了问题存在的原因。 第五部分修订《职业教育法》的对策建议。根据社会经济、政治、法治、教育的实际情况,以我国职业教育发展若干关系为基础,提出完善我国《职业教育法》的意见和建议。
[Abstract]:The promulgation and implementation of the 1996 Vocational Education Law is an important milestone in the history of vocational education reform in China. Maintaining social stability has promoted the development of vocational education in our country. In the outline of the National Medium-and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) promulgated in 2010, it is clearly stated that "developing vocational education is to promote economic development and promote employment," An important way to improve people's livelihood and solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the key link to ease the contradiction between the structure of labor supply and demand, and must be placed in a more prominent position. " In addition, the outline states that it is necessary to "vigorously develop vocational education", "enhance the attractiveness of vocational education", and "by 2020, form and adapt to the changing mode of economic development and the requirements of industrial restructuring, and embody the concept of lifelong education." A modern vocational education system with coordinated development between secondary and higher vocational education. "the decision of the CPC Central Committee on several important issues of comprehensively deepening Reform, adopted at the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2013, points out that In deepening the comprehensive reform in the field of education, we should "speed up the construction of modern vocational education system, deepen the integration of production and education, cooperate with schools and enterprises, and train high-quality workers and skilled personnel". These plans and decisions at the national level point out the goals, tasks and approaches for the innovation and development of vocational education reform and development in China for a long time to come. On the contrary, the "Vocational Education Law" has been implemented for 18 years, and its legislative spirit fails to embody the modern educational concepts such as "people-oriented" and "life-long education", the legislative basis is not clear, the orientation is not clear, and there are too many clauses of principle. The method is too simple and general, and the content lacks the part of legal liability. In order to adapt to the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure of our country, to adjust the internal structure of the education system and to promote social development and progress of the rule of law, the revision of the Vocational Education Law is imperative, so that the experience in the development of vocational education since 1996 can be brought to light as soon as possible. The policy is raised to law, which greatly promotes the development space of vocational education and promotes the stable, healthy and orderly development of vocational education. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the origin of the problem. Based on the reality of vocational education, this paper puts forward the research framework and research ideas by combing the relevant literature. The second part is an overview of the Vocational Education Act. By defining the relevant concepts of the vocational education law, this paper probes into the relevant theories of the vocational education law, and lays a theoretical foundation for the revision of the Vocational Education Law. The third part is the experience and enlightenment of foreign vocational education legislation. By studying the legislative spirit, regulations and legislative techniques of vocational education law in developed countries, some enlightenments are obtained. The fourth part is about the problems and causes of the Vocational Education Law in China. Based on the analysis of the text of the Vocational Education Law and the consideration of the effect of its implementation, this paper probes into the problems in the legislation and the process of implementation of the Vocational Education Law, and analyzes the reasons for the problems. The fifth part is about the countermeasures and suggestions of amending the Vocational Education Law. According to the actual situation of social economy, politics, rule of law and education, based on the relationship between the development of vocational education in China, this paper puts forward some opinions and suggestions on how to perfect the Vocational Education Law of our country.
[Abstract]:The promulgation and implementation of the 1996 Vocational Education Law is an important milestone in the history of vocational education reform in China. Maintaining social stability has promoted the development of vocational education in our country. In the outline of the National Medium-and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) promulgated in 2010, it is clearly stated that "developing vocational education is to promote economic development and promote employment," An important way to improve people's livelihood and solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the key link to ease the contradiction between the structure of labor supply and demand, and must be placed in a more prominent position. " In addition, the outline states that it is necessary to "vigorously develop vocational education", "enhance the attractiveness of vocational education", and "by 2020, form and adapt to the changing mode of economic development and the requirements of industrial restructuring, and embody the concept of lifelong education." A modern vocational education system with coordinated development between secondary and higher vocational education. "the decision of the CPC Central Committee on several important issues of comprehensively deepening Reform, adopted at the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2013, points out that In deepening the comprehensive reform in the field of education, we should "speed up the construction of modern vocational education system, deepen the integration of production and education, cooperate with schools and enterprises, and train high-quality workers and skilled personnel". These plans and decisions at the national level point out the goals, tasks and approaches for the innovation and development of vocational education reform and development in China for a long time to come. On the contrary, the "Vocational Education Law" has been implemented for 18 years, and its legislative spirit fails to embody the modern educational concepts such as "people-oriented" and "life-long education", the legislative basis is not clear, the orientation is not clear, and there are too many clauses of principle. The method is too simple and general, and the content lacks the part of legal liability. In order to adapt to the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure of our country, to adjust the internal structure of the education system and to promote social development and progress of the rule of law, the revision of the Vocational Education Law is imperative, so that the experience in the development of vocational education since 1996 can be brought to light as soon as possible. The policy is raised to law, which greatly promotes the development space of vocational education and promotes the stable, healthy and orderly development of vocational education. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the origin of the problem. Based on the reality of vocational education, this paper puts forward the research framework and research ideas by combing the relevant literature. The second part is an overview of the Vocational Education Act. By defining the relevant concepts of the vocational education law, this paper probes into the relevant theories of the vocational education law, and lays a theoretical foundation for the revision of the Vocational Education Law. The third part is the experience and enlightenment of foreign vocational education legislation. By studying the legislative spirit, regulations and legislative techniques of vocational education law in developed countries, some enlightenments are obtained. The fourth part is about the problems and causes of the Vocational Education Law in China. Based on the analysis of the text of the Vocational Education Law and the consideration of the effect of its implementation, this paper probes into the problems in the legislation and the process of implementation of the Vocational Education Law, and analyzes the reasons for the problems. The fifth part is about the countermeasures and suggestions of amending the Vocational Education Law. According to the actual situation of social economy, politics, rule of law and education, based on the relationship between the development of vocational education in China, this paper puts forward some opinions and suggestions on how to perfect the Vocational Education Law of our country.
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