发布时间:2018-09-04 13:53
【摘要】:在现代社会中,广告作为信息传播的一种有效手段,它对我们生活各方面都产生着影响。我们看到,荐证广告(也有人称为证言广告、推荐广告或者代言广告,目前学术界并没有权威统一的名称)因其特殊的广告效果可以产生良好的市场效应,从而取得巨大的经济效益,它已经在当今种类繁多的广告中占据了主导地位,并越来越受广告主的追捧。随着中国市场经济的快速发展,作为媒介和公众之间传播商业信息的重要载体,荐证广告也进入“黄金时代”。“荐证广告”并不是我国内地(以下简称“我国”,在没有特别说明的情况下,“我国”均是指我国内地)的法律术语,而是我国台湾地区使用的法律术语。近年来,随着荐证广告称为广告主的“香饽饽”,广告荐证者也呈职业化趋势,然而与此同时,荐证者的虚假荐证行为引发的事故也频频发生,消费者针对广告荐证者的诉讼也从无到有,屡见报端。消费者认为,,广告荐证者需要对其在广告中的荐证行为导致的致人损害结果负责,而广告荐证者对此并不认同。这就涉及到荐证广告中荐证者的法律责任问题。 所谓荐证广告中荐证者的法律责任是指在荐证广告中荐证者进行虚假荐证而导致他人损害所承担的法律责任。我国学术界对于广告荐证责任涉及私法责任并无争议,至于是否涉及公法责任则并无统一看法。2013年5最高人民法院以及最高人民检察院联合出台的《办理危害食品安全刑事案件司法解释》再次引发了民众对荐证者是否应对虚假荐证承担法律责任,尤其是对是否应承担行政法律责任和刑事法律责任的热议。 而实际生活中,虽然相关法律有所规定,公众对于虚假荐证也深恶痛绝,但不管是明星还是其他荐证者,其因虚假荐证而真正承担法律责任的少之又少。这种情况值得我们深思,一方面,它影响着法律的严肃性;另一方面,公众及荐证者们都不清楚,如果做了虚假荐证,究竟该承担什么法律责任,承担多大责任,受到什么样的惩罚?在客观上使得荐证者本身放松对虚假荐证的注意,甚至不认为没有认识其社会危害性。这既是对荐证者的不负责任,也是因虚假荐证而遭受损失的受害者不负责任,更是对社会的不负责。因此,需要对荐证者的法律责任进行研究,从而解决公众和荐证者的困惑。本文即从荐证广告中荐证者法律责任的规制这一视角,选择一个切入点——从荐证者虚假荐证的危害性谈荐证者的法律责任——并进行分析研究。本文主要采取文献分析、逻辑分析、价值分析等研究方法,并辅之以案例分析及数据分析等实证分析方法,对荐证者的虚假荐证的危害性以及荐证者的法律责任作详细探讨。 本文主要分为四大板块: 第一部分对荐证者法律责任中涉及的相关概念进行阐述,介绍荐证广告的概念及荐证广告的分类,荐证者,荐证行为概念及基本内涵。 第二部分对当前违法广告进行统计分析。认定,虚假违法广告不仅危害我国的经济秩序而且危害人身安全,而荐证者在这些虚假违法广告中发挥着重要作用,因此笔者认为对虚假荐证,应该追究荐证者法律责任。 第三部分从法理方面对荐证者法律责任进行分析:首先介绍目前学界对荐证者法律责任的各种观点,有欺诈侵权说、侵权责任说等;其次,引用法理学中通用的法理责任构成要件说分析荐证者法律责任的构成要件,得出,在实际追究该责任时,考量不同情形分别追究虚假荐证者的民事或者公法责任;最后分别就荐证者的民事和公法责任进行论述。 第四部分介绍荐证者法律责任在我国目前立法现状,分析我国目前立法现状发现现有的荐证者法律责任制度规制不足;从而引出笔者对该制度法律完善的立法建议。本部分从民事法律责任、行政法律责任、刑事法律责任三方面提出笔者法律完善建议。民事责任方面主要是扩大民事责任主体范围、采用过错推定责任制度、引入惩罚性赔偿制度;在行政责任方面提出应同时并用禁止性和履行性责任承担方式;刑事责任方面提出应对现有的虚假广告罪在犯罪主体、犯罪客观方面进行修改,对于社会危害性更大的荐证行为应由其他刑法条文进行特别规定。
[Abstract]:In modern society, advertising, as an effective means of information dissemination, has an impact on all aspects of our lives. We can see that certification advertising (also known as testimony advertising, recommendation advertising or endorsement advertising, there is no authoritative and unified name in the academic community) can produce good market effect because of its special advertising effect. With the rapid development of China's market economy, as an important carrier for the dissemination of commercial information between the media and the public, certificate recommendation advertising has also entered the "golden age". "certificate recommendation advertising" and "certificate recommendation advertising". It is not the legal terminology of the Mainland of China (hereinafter referred to as "China"), but the legal terminology used in Taiwan. In recent years, with the advertisement of certificate recommendation being called "fragrant baboon" of advertisers, the advertiser of certificate recommendation is also showing the trend of professionalization. However, at the same time, the certificate of recommendation is used in Taiwan. Consumers believe that advertisers need to be responsible for the damage caused by their sponsorship behavior in advertisements, which is not recognized by advertisers. The legal liability of the witness.
The so-called legal liability of the applicant in the certificate recommendation advertisement refers to the legal liability of the applicant who makes false certificates in the certificate recommendation advertisement and causes damage to others. The "Judicial Interpretation for Handling Criminal Cases against Food Safety" issued jointly by the People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China has once again triggered a heated debate on whether the applicants should bear legal liability for false certificates, especially administrative and criminal legal liability.
But in real life, although the relevant laws stipulate that the public hate false certificates, but whether stars or other candidates, they really bear little legal responsibility for false certificates. This situation deserves our reflection, on the one hand, it affects the seriousness of the law; on the other hand, the public and candidates. It is not clear what legal responsibility, responsibility and punishment should be assumed if a false certificate of recommendation is made, which objectively makes the applicant relax his attention to the false certificate of recommendation and even does not think that he has not realized its social harmfulness. This is not only irresponsible for the applicant, but also suffers losses because of the false certificate of recommendation. The victim is not responsible, but also is not responsible for society. Therefore, it is necessary to study the legal liability of the witness sponsor, so as to solve the puzzlement of the public and the witness sponsor. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature analysis, logical analysis, value analysis, and case analysis and data analysis to discuss the harmfulness of false certificates and the legal liability of the applicants.
This article is mainly divided into four parts:
The first part elaborates the related concepts involved in the legal liability of the applicant, introduces the concept of the applicant, the classification of the applicant, the concept and basic connotation of the applicant and the behavior of the applicant.
The second part carries on the statistical analysis to the current illegal advertisement.It is concluded that the false illegal advertisement not only endangers our country's economic order but also endangers personal safety,and the witness plays an important role in these false illegal advertisements.Therefore,the author thinks that the witness should be investigated for the legal liability of the false certificate of recommendation.
The third part analyzes the legal liability of the testator from the angle of jurisprudence: firstly, it introduces various viewpoints about the legal liability of the testator, including the theory of fraud and tort, and so on; secondly, it analyzes the constituent elements of the legal liability of the testator by quoting the common theory of legal liability constituent elements in jurisprudence, and draws the conclusion that the legal liability of the testator should be investigated in practice. The civil or public law liability of the false witness shall be investigated under different circumstances, and the civil and public law liability of the false witness shall be discussed separately.
The fourth part introduces the present legislative situation of the legal liability of witness sponsors in China, analyzes the current legislative situation and finds that the existing legal liability system of witness sponsors is inadequate, thus leading to the author's legislative proposals for the legal perfection of the system. Civil liability is mainly to expand the scope of the main civil liability, the use of presumption of fault liability system, the introduction of punitive damages system; administrative liability should be put forward at the same time with prohibition and performance of the responsibility to bear the way; criminal liability to deal with the existing false advertising crime in the main crime, committed The objective aspect of the crime should be amended, and the act of recommending evidence which is more harmful to society should be specially stipulated by other criminal law provisions.
[Abstract]:In modern society, advertising, as an effective means of information dissemination, has an impact on all aspects of our lives. We can see that certification advertising (also known as testimony advertising, recommendation advertising or endorsement advertising, there is no authoritative and unified name in the academic community) can produce good market effect because of its special advertising effect. With the rapid development of China's market economy, as an important carrier for the dissemination of commercial information between the media and the public, certificate recommendation advertising has also entered the "golden age". "certificate recommendation advertising" and "certificate recommendation advertising". It is not the legal terminology of the Mainland of China (hereinafter referred to as "China"), but the legal terminology used in Taiwan. In recent years, with the advertisement of certificate recommendation being called "fragrant baboon" of advertisers, the advertiser of certificate recommendation is also showing the trend of professionalization. However, at the same time, the certificate of recommendation is used in Taiwan. Consumers believe that advertisers need to be responsible for the damage caused by their sponsorship behavior in advertisements, which is not recognized by advertisers. The legal liability of the witness.
The so-called legal liability of the applicant in the certificate recommendation advertisement refers to the legal liability of the applicant who makes false certificates in the certificate recommendation advertisement and causes damage to others. The "Judicial Interpretation for Handling Criminal Cases against Food Safety" issued jointly by the People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China has once again triggered a heated debate on whether the applicants should bear legal liability for false certificates, especially administrative and criminal legal liability.
But in real life, although the relevant laws stipulate that the public hate false certificates, but whether stars or other candidates, they really bear little legal responsibility for false certificates. This situation deserves our reflection, on the one hand, it affects the seriousness of the law; on the other hand, the public and candidates. It is not clear what legal responsibility, responsibility and punishment should be assumed if a false certificate of recommendation is made, which objectively makes the applicant relax his attention to the false certificate of recommendation and even does not think that he has not realized its social harmfulness. This is not only irresponsible for the applicant, but also suffers losses because of the false certificate of recommendation. The victim is not responsible, but also is not responsible for society. Therefore, it is necessary to study the legal liability of the witness sponsor, so as to solve the puzzlement of the public and the witness sponsor. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature analysis, logical analysis, value analysis, and case analysis and data analysis to discuss the harmfulness of false certificates and the legal liability of the applicants.
This article is mainly divided into four parts:
The first part elaborates the related concepts involved in the legal liability of the applicant, introduces the concept of the applicant, the classification of the applicant, the concept and basic connotation of the applicant and the behavior of the applicant.
The second part carries on the statistical analysis to the current illegal advertisement.It is concluded that the false illegal advertisement not only endangers our country's economic order but also endangers personal safety,and the witness plays an important role in these false illegal advertisements.Therefore,the author thinks that the witness should be investigated for the legal liability of the false certificate of recommendation.
The third part analyzes the legal liability of the testator from the angle of jurisprudence: firstly, it introduces various viewpoints about the legal liability of the testator, including the theory of fraud and tort, and so on; secondly, it analyzes the constituent elements of the legal liability of the testator by quoting the common theory of legal liability constituent elements in jurisprudence, and draws the conclusion that the legal liability of the testator should be investigated in practice. The civil or public law liability of the false witness shall be investigated under different circumstances, and the civil and public law liability of the false witness shall be discussed separately.
The fourth part introduces the present legislative situation of the legal liability of witness sponsors in China, analyzes the current legislative situation and finds that the existing legal liability system of witness sponsors is inadequate, thus leading to the author's legislative proposals for the legal perfection of the system. Civil liability is mainly to expand the scope of the main civil liability, the use of presumption of fault liability system, the introduction of punitive damages system; administrative liability should be put forward at the same time with prohibition and performance of the responsibility to bear the way; criminal liability to deal with the existing false advertising crime in the main crime, committed The objective aspect of the crime should be amended, and the act of recommending evidence which is more harmful to society should be specially stipulated by other criminal law provisions.
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