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发布时间:2018-10-31 11:04
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,农村环境问题也日益突出,并已经逐步上升到政治议程,长期以来,我国环境管理重城市轻农村,重工业轻农业,管理立法缺失,执法不严,成为农村环境保护工作面临的困境。农民专业合作社的兴起为突破当前农村生态环境保护困境提供了新的制度空间。 农民专业合作社是继家庭联产承包责任制后农业实现“第二次”飞跃的有效手段,自2007年《农民专业合作社法》的颁布实施,我国农民专业合作社发展迅速,是解决三农问题,,推动新农村建设的重要抓手,其在农村环境保护方面的作用也越来越受到重视。伴随着“环境新政和生态现代化”、“政府失灵”、“市场失灵”理论的提出,“公众参与”理论的发展,为农民专业合作社参与农村环境保护提供了有力的理论基础,农民专业合作社本身发挥的生态环境功能,自发治污能力,在农村环保方面具有功能上的优势,因此,合作社参与农村环境保护,不管从理论上还是实践中都具有可行性。 然而,尽管近年来农民专业合作社发展迅速,但是由于《农民专业合作社法》及相关法律体系的不完善,合作社自身组织不规范,加之政府相关部门对合作社的环境功能认识不全等原因,使得农民专业合作社在参与农村环境保护方面受到限制,无法真正发挥其应有的作用,迫切需要从环境权制度、金融法律制度、《农民专业合作社法》制度重构等方面完善和构建相关法律制度,充分保障农民专业合作社参与农村环境保护。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy, the environmental problems in rural areas have become increasingly prominent and have gradually risen to the political agenda. For a long time, environmental management in our country has put more emphasis on cities than on rural areas, heavy on industry and on agriculture, lack of management legislation, and lax enforcement of laws. Become the predicament that rural environmental protection work faces. The rise of farmers' specialized cooperatives provides a new institutional space for breaking through the current dilemma of ecological environment protection in rural areas. The farmer specialized cooperative is an effective means to realize the "second leap" after the household contract responsibility system. Since the promulgation and implementation of the "Farmers' specialized Cooperative Law" in 2007, the farmers' specialized cooperative in our country has developed rapidly, which is the solution to the "three rural problems". The importance of promoting the construction of new countryside, its role in rural environmental protection has been paid more and more attention. With the development of the theory of "Environmental New deal and Ecological Modernization", "Government failure" and "Market failure", and the development of "Public participation" theory, it provides a powerful theoretical basis for farmers' professional cooperatives to participate in rural environmental protection. Farmers' specialized cooperatives have the function of ecological environment and the ability of spontaneous pollution control, which has the advantage of function in rural environmental protection. Therefore, it is feasible for cooperatives to participate in rural environmental protection, both in theory and in practice. However, despite the rapid development of farmers' professional cooperatives in recent years, due to the imperfections of the Law on Farmers' Professional Cooperatives and related legal systems, the cooperatives themselves are not organized in a standardized manner. In addition, due to the incomplete understanding of the environmental functions of cooperatives by relevant government departments, the farmers' specialized cooperatives are restricted in participating in rural environmental protection and cannot really play their due role. Therefore, it is urgent to start with the system of environmental rights. The financial legal system and the reconstruction of the system of the Farmers' specialized Cooperative Law will improve and construct the relevant legal system so as to ensure the farmers' professional cooperatives to participate in the protection of the rural environment.


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