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发布时间:2018-11-21 08:23
[Abstract]:The discretion of health administrative punishment is the power given by laws and regulations to the relevant health departments, and health administrative punishment is an essential and important means of health administrative law enforcement. But at the same time, standardizing the discretion of health administrative punishment is the basic requirement of administration according to law and reasonable administration. Therefore, how to exercise the discretion of health administrative punishment in the process of law enforcement and how to effectively supervise the exercise of the discretion of health administrative punishment has become an important issue in the field of health management. This paper summarizes the theoretical research results of the scholars, summarizes the related theoretical concepts, analyzes the necessity of the existence of the discretion of health administrative punishment, and analyzes the problems of the exercise of the discretionary power of the health administrative punishment. Combined with practical cases, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the legal regulation of the discretion of health administrative punishment in our country, and finds out the reasons for the problems. Finally, this article from the legal principles, procedures, internal supervision and other perspectives, to improve the health administrative punishment discretion of the legal regulation of all aspects of analysis, Combined with the present situation, the author puts forward a series of strategies and suggestions to strengthen the legal regulation of the discretion of health administrative punishment, which provides a certain theoretical basis for the regulation of the discretion of health administrative punishment in China.


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