发布时间:2018-12-07 17:19
【摘要】:近年来,受城市房价攀升的利益驱使以及生存压力所限,城市违法建筑迅速蔓延并处于制而不止的状态。而行政强制拆除作为最为严厉的行政治理手段,由于其牵涉面广以及影响力大,受到了社会的广泛关注。 2007年《城乡规划法》的颁布实施,,使得违法建筑强制执行模式经历了从司法执行模式到行政机关自行执行模式的转变。在治理效果得到明显提升的同时,也爆发了诸多与拆违相关的社会冲突。2012年起实施的《行政强制法》对违法建筑强制拆除作出了特别规定,在更好的保护当事人合法权益的同时,也对行政机关强制执行违法建筑提出了更为严苛的要求。 本文从违法建筑治理工作实践入手,首先梳理了我国违法建筑强制执行模式的演变以及运用到的相关法律依据。其次以上海市黄浦区拆违实施部门为实证对象,列举了违法建筑的治理现状以及行政强制执行的实施情况。接着对《行政强制法》中拆违特别条款在实施中遇到的问题进行分析。结论就我国违法建筑行政强制执行制度提出完善建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, driven by the rising interest of urban house prices and limited by the pressure of survival, urban illegal buildings are rapidly spreading and in a state of control. As the most severe means of administrative governance, the compulsory demolition of administration has been widely concerned by the society because of its wide scope and great influence. With the promulgation and implementation of the Urban-Rural Planning Law in 2007, the mode of enforcement of illegal buildings has undergone a transformation from the mode of judicial execution to the mode of self-execution of administrative organs. While the effectiveness of governance has been significantly improved, there have also been many social conflicts related to the demolition of illegal buildings. The "Administrative compulsory Law", which has been in force since 2012, has made special provisions for the compulsory demolition of illegal buildings. While protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties, it also puts forward more stringent requirements for the enforcement of illegal buildings by the administrative organs. Starting from the practice of illegal building governance, this paper firstly combs the evolution of enforcement mode of illegal building in our country and the relevant legal basis applied to it. Secondly, taking Shanghai Huangpu District illegal implementation department as the empirical object, listed the current situation of illegal building governance and the implementation of administrative enforcement. Then it analyzes the problems encountered in the implementation of the special clause in the Administrative compulsory Law. Conclusion the author puts forward some suggestions on the enforcement system of illegal construction administration in China.
[Abstract]:In recent years, driven by the rising interest of urban house prices and limited by the pressure of survival, urban illegal buildings are rapidly spreading and in a state of control. As the most severe means of administrative governance, the compulsory demolition of administration has been widely concerned by the society because of its wide scope and great influence. With the promulgation and implementation of the Urban-Rural Planning Law in 2007, the mode of enforcement of illegal buildings has undergone a transformation from the mode of judicial execution to the mode of self-execution of administrative organs. While the effectiveness of governance has been significantly improved, there have also been many social conflicts related to the demolition of illegal buildings. The "Administrative compulsory Law", which has been in force since 2012, has made special provisions for the compulsory demolition of illegal buildings. While protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties, it also puts forward more stringent requirements for the enforcement of illegal buildings by the administrative organs. Starting from the practice of illegal building governance, this paper firstly combs the evolution of enforcement mode of illegal building in our country and the relevant legal basis applied to it. Secondly, taking Shanghai Huangpu District illegal implementation department as the empirical object, listed the current situation of illegal building governance and the implementation of administrative enforcement. Then it analyzes the problems encountered in the implementation of the special clause in the Administrative compulsory Law. Conclusion the author puts forward some suggestions on the enforcement system of illegal construction administration in China.
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