[Abstract]:At present, the medical cosmetic accident is on the rise, but there are no relevant laws to regulate it. The academic circles also have different opinions on the nature of the civil legal liability arising in this process, the recognition of the liability, and the assumption of the responsibility, and there are different opinions on the nature of the civil legal liability arising in this process. The underlying causes include iatrogenic and non-iatrogenic factors, subjective and objective factors, industry and out-of-industry, institutional and non-institutional factors. How to assume the civil liability, how to define the nature of the civil liability and how to balance the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the cosmetic operators are the problems to be solved in the field of theory and practice. Medical cosmetic surgery is different from traditional medicine for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. It is the behavior of cosmetic surgery in order to seek spiritual pleasure under the condition of physical health. The measures for the Administration of Medical Beauty Services issued by the Ministry of Health of our country regulate the qualifications required for the creation of medical cosmetic surgery institutions and the qualifications required for professional personnel. However, the dispute resolution of medical cosmetic accident is only "dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state", resulting in the result of many different judgments in the same case. This article takes the medical cosmetic accident civil liability research as the direction, mainly to the medical cosmetic surgery behavior basic theory, the medical cosmetic accident civil liability constitution, the medical cosmetic accident civil liability determination, This paper analyzes and demonstrates the problems of the civil liability of medical cosmetic surgery accident, and puts forward some opinions and suggestions on the civil liability of the medical cosmetic accident and the problems existing in the related laws and regulations. The full text is divided into four parts: introduction. This paper discusses the existing problems and the research purpose of medical cosmetic surgery in practice. The first part is the summary of medical cosmetic surgery behavior and medical cosmetic accident. By analyzing the traditional medical behavior and common medical malpractice, the author hopes to define the legal relationship among the medical cosmetic behavior, the medical cosmetic accident and the medical cosmetic accident, and to discuss the disorderly situation of the medical cosmetic surgery market in our country at present. Pointed out the causes of the high incidence of medical cosmetic accident disputes. At the same time, through the summary of foreign and domestic existing laws, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the existing laws in dealing with the civil liability of medical cosmetic surgery disputes in China. The second part, medical cosmetic accident liability type. As for the type of liability, the author agrees that medical cosmetic accident is the concurrence of breach of contract and tort liability. According to the different standards of compensation stipulated in the relevant laws of our country, the cosmetic operator is more inclined to bring forward tort action. In order to maximize compensation for its damage. The author believes that this situation is unreasonable, hoping to balance this phenomenon through the analysis of the relevant laws. The third part, responsibility determination and responsibility undertaking. To identify the liability of medical cosmetic surgery accident, the author thinks that the main body of responsibility should be divided into legal and illegal medical cosmetic surgery institutions, and the principle of fault liability and no fault liability should be combined in the principle of imputation. For liability, the author thinks that due to the particularity of medical cosmetic accident, the scope of compensation should include material compensation and spiritual compensation. In addition, spiritual compensation should be paid special attention. The fourth part, the medical cosmetic accident civil legal liability system consummation. Mainly from the perfection of relevant laws and regulations; related contract content improvement; establishment of medical cosmetic insurance system; judicial expertise system to improve four aspects to elaborate.
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