[Abstract]:The construction of hotel industry information management system and the guarantee of passenger information security are the two main aspects of hotel industry information construction, which are unified with each other, the core of which is to construct modern hotel industry public security management system and maintain social security order. With the increasing population movement, the hotel industry is becoming more and more developed. A large number of public security, criminal cases and fire accidents occur in the hotel industry every year, and there are a large number of criminal investigation and prevention information. Therefore, it is very necessary to strengthen the information management construction of hotel industry. The public security organs have been committed to finding more effective ways to strengthen the public security management of the hotel industry and give full play to the role of the hotel industry in preventing and cracking down on crimes. Practice has proved that realizing the informatization of hotel industry is a good way to strengthen the public security management of hotel industry and prevent and crack down on illegal crimes.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学刑事侦查学院;
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