本文关键词: 在先权 外观设计专利权 权利冲突 知识产权 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:培根说:“知识就是力量”。随着科学技术的进步和社会经济的发展,知识产品的种类如雨后春笋般日益增多。与此同时,知识产权的保护范围也逐渐扩大,其权属争议、合同纠纷、侵权形态越来越复杂,现代社会重视知识产权的意识也日益高涨。近年来,知识产权权利冲突问题,已经成为学术界和司法界普遍关注的问题。在现今开放的市场经济体制下,“搭便车”现象不时出现,如某些不法企业或经营者一改往日假冒他人注册商标、专利以及他人企业名称等一般的假冒做法,而是想方设法钻法律的漏洞。这种行为往往是侵权行为人对已有一定知名度或者核心竞争力的知识产权客体,仿冒其智力成果的核心部分或全部,并且经过一定的行政程序,改头换面之后变成自己的知识成果而使其披上“合法”的外衣,从而对抗他人在先取得的合法权利,也有学者将其称之为“特殊仿冒行为”。在专利领域,尤其是外观设计专利日益凸显的商业价值,与其相关的权利冲突近年来也大量增多。 知识产权在先权指的是特定权利人在其原权利即在先权利受到侵害或有受到侵害的现实危险时,基于法律的直接规定而享有的以此来保护个人利益的权利。如何合理平衡专利权人与在先权利人之间的合法权益,如何有效处理和解决双方的权利冲突便成了知识产权立法、执法与司法层面的最具现实性的焦点问题。为此,本文首先从在先权的研究背景和意义入手,总结、分析了国内外对在先权制度的研究现状。接下来,本文对在先权制度理论进行了系统性的整理研究,主要阐述了在先权的概念界定、法律特征及其与相关法律术语的比较分析等诸多内容。本文第三部分基于我国对外观设计专利的保护,着重分析了外观设计专利权与在先权利冲突的产生原因和具体类型,依次探讨了外观设计专利权与在先注册商标权、在先著作权、在先知名商品特有的包装或装潢使用权、在先企业名称权以及自然人的肖像权等权利冲突的类型。并在此基础上,梳理了司法实践中处理专利权与在先权利冲突的基本原则,进而提出了解决外观设计专利与在先权利冲突的有效途径,以期推动我国知识产权在先权制度的进一步完善和发展。
[Abstract]:"knowledge is power," Bacon said. "with the progress of science and technology and the development of social economy, the variety of knowledge products has been increasing. At the same time, the scope of intellectual property protection has gradually expanded and its ownership is controversial." Contract disputes, forms of infringement are becoming more and more complicated, and the awareness of intellectual property rights in modern society is also growing. In recent years, the conflict of intellectual property rights has become a problem. Under the open market economic system, the phenomenon of "free rider" appears from time to time, for example, some illegal enterprises or operators change to counterfeit other people's registered trademarks. Generic counterfeiting practices, such as patents and other business names, seek to exploit loopholes in the law. This behavior is often the object of intellectual property rights that the torter has already known or has core competence over. Imitating the core or all of their intellectual achievements, and after a certain administrative process, transforming them into their own intellectual achievements and putting them under the cloak of "legitimacy", thus counteracting the legitimate rights acquired by others in the first place, Some scholars also call it "special counterfeiting behavior". In the field of patent, especially the increasingly prominent commercial value of design patent, the conflict of rights related to it has also increased in recent years. The prior right of intellectual property refers to the specific right holder when his original right, that is, the prior right, is infringed or is in real danger of being infringed, How to reasonably balance the legitimate rights and interests between the patentee and the prior right holder, how to deal with and resolve the conflict of rights between the two sides effectively becomes the legislation of intellectual property right. Therefore, this paper begins with the background and significance of the research on the priori right, summarizes and analyzes the current research situation of the priori right system at home and abroad. This paper makes a systematic research on the theory of priori right, mainly expounds the definition of the concept of priori right. The third part of this paper, based on the protection of design patents in China, focuses on the causes and specific types of conflicts between design patents and prior rights. In turn, this paper discusses the types of conflicts between the patent right of design and the right to first register trademark, the prior copyright, the unique packaging or decoration right of the first well-known commodity, the right to the name of the prior enterprise and the portrait right of the natural person. This paper combs the basic principles of dealing with the conflict between patent right and prior right in judicial practice, and then puts forward an effective way to solve the conflict between design patent and prior right, in order to promote the further improvement and development of the system of intellectual property primacy in our country.
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