本文关键词: 校园信息化 CMS 软件工程 需求分析 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着信息科技的发展,校园信息化程度也越来越高,格式文本、办公文档、电子邮件、表格、报告以及图片、音视频等多媒体数据的非结构化信息占信息总量的80%以上。这些非结构化文档信息的集成就成了信息整合的关键问题,成为了信息资源管理的核心。内容管理系统(Content Management System,简称CMS)是针对企事业单位网站建设的需求经过认真而深入分析后设计开发的,专门面向网站内容编辑与发布的应用系统,基于强健的体系架构,遵从开放标准,重点解决各种非结构化或半结构化的数字资源的采集、管理、利用、传递和增值,易于与其他应用相集成和功能扩展,并可以快速进行部署。 高校校园招生管理系统是作为校园门户的一个文章类型设计的,能够方便的建立网站、编辑内容和发布信息,具备动态、实时、交互、协作等特点。近两年来,招生网站建设成为学校的工作重点之一,是各个学校对国内外进行宣传的重要手段,是各个学校展示教学成果、招生信息宣传的重要平台,保存着学院师生大量的活动记录,从某种角度成为学院的一个精神家园。 本文分为六部分,从需求分析到设计实现,对大学校园招生文章管理系统的开发进行了详细论述,分析了基于CMS文章招生网站系统的特征和优势。 第一部分描述论文写作背景和现实意义,阐明CMS文章管理系统的国内外研究现状和发展趋势以及本文的主要工作; 第二部分介绍基于CMS的校园招生网站系统的发展背景和特点等知识介绍,以及开发系统所需的技术工具介绍; 第三部分需求分析与设计,主要内容包括高校校园招生系统的功能模块需求、用户需求,并对组成系统的结构进行设计。根据现有高校招生网站的组织结构及特点,建立一个网站自动化发布系统。制作方只需提供相应的素材,指定命名规则,指定相对应的版面,系统即可根据网站的逻辑结构自动生成相应的网页,并上传到服务器,同时修改相关页面的链接列表,实现网页的自动发布。系统易操作且适应性良好,即使未来某些网页外观设计出现变化,系统仍可使用。网站自动化发布系统的建设,将大幅提高高校招生网站的更新效率,降低相关人员的工作量,,并避免由于大量重复手工更新中出现的错误; 第四部分从高校校园招生系统的详细设计实现系统各功能模块的详细设计,基于CMS的高校校园招生文章管理系统是一个多专业多栏目的信息内容管理系统,系统中包含一部分属于学院或个人知识产权的数据隐私,因此对架构提出了更高的要求,架构必须从各个方面满足实际需求,同时在设计与开发的过程中严格遵守架构的特殊约束,从而保证可以实现架构设计的最终目标; 第五部分高校校园招生系统的实现,介绍了各功能的实现过程。 最后系统测试,针对网站内容管理系统的特点,本文在功能测试主要分为用户界面测试和业务功能测试两部分。其中用户界面测试侧重于对内容管理系统的页面进行测试,业务功能测试侧重于验证各个模块的功能点的正确性,经过功能和性能测试,本文所设计的高校校园招生管理系统符合预期达到目标。
[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the campus informatization degree more high, format text, email, office documents, forms, reports and pictures, unstructured information multimedia data such as audio and video to account for more than 80% of the total information. The integration of these unstructured document information has become the key issues of information integration, has become the core of information resource management. Content management system (Content Management System, referred to as CMS) is designed for enterprise website construction needs careful and in-depth analysis, specifically for the content of the website application system of editing and publishing, robust frame based on compliance with open standards, focus on solving all kinds of unstructured or semi digital resources structured collection, management, use, transfer and value-added, easy to integrate with other applications and extensions, and can be rapidly deployed.
College enrollment management system is used as a type of the campus portal design, can facilitate the establishment of the website, edit and publish information, with dynamic, real-time, interactive and collaborative features. In recent years, the construction work of the school admissions website has become one of the focus of the school is an important means of propaganda at home and abroad the show is each school teaching achievements, an important platform for enrollment information publicity, preservation of college teachers and students a lot of activity records from a certain angle to become a spiritual home school.
This paper is divided into six parts. From requirement analysis to design implementation, the development of university campus enrollment article management system is discussed in detail, and the characteristics and advantages of CMS based admissions website system are analyzed.
The first part describes the background and practical significance of the paper, and clarifies the current research status and development trend of the CMS article management system at home and abroad, as well as the main work of this paper.
The second part introduces the background and characteristics of the development of the campus enrollment website system based on CMS, as well as the introduction of the technical tools needed for the development of the system.
Analysis and design of the third part of the demand, the main contents include the demand function module, college enrollment system user requirements, and design the structure of system. According to the structure and characteristics of the existing university admissions website, set up a website automaticrelease system. The producers only need to provide the corresponding material specified naming rules, specify the corresponding layout, the system can automatically generate the corresponding page according to the logical structure of the website, and uploaded to the server to modify the list of links to related pages at the same time, realize the automatic release system ". Easy operation and good adaptability, even ifsome webpage design changes, the system can use the construction site automaticrelease system. That will significantly improve the update efficiency of college admissions website, reduce the workload of staff, and to avoid due to the large number of repetitive manual update out The present error;
The fourth part of the detailed design for each function module of the system in the detailed design of campus recruitment system, the college enrollment management system based on CMS is a professional multi column information content management system, the system contains a part of college intellectual property or personal data privacy, therefore put forward higher requirements on the architecture, architecture must meet the actual demand from various aspects, at the same time in the design and development process strictly abide by the special constraints of architecture, which can realize the ultimate goal of architecture design;
In the fifth part, the realization of the campus enrolment system is introduced, and the realization process of each function is introduced.
Finally the system test, according to the characteristics of web content management system, based on the functional test is divided into user interface testing and functional testing part two. The user interface is focused on testing test content management system pages, correctness of the business function test focuses on the function verification of each module, the function and performance test, college enrollment management system designed in this paper meets the expected goal.
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