本文选题:知识产权 切入点:期待利益 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, under the background of market economy, science and cultural development, people have not only been greatly promoted in material life, but also greatly enriched in spiritual world. Intellectual property as a spiritual product, The economic benefits it brings are taking up an increasing proportion of people's property. Intellectual property is more uncertain than property interests in general, because intellectual property itself is an intellectual product. Before it was converted into material property, Its economic value is in the "expectable state", which is called "the expected interest of intellectual property" in this paper. Due to the imperfection of relevant laws in our country, the expected interest of intellectual property right after divorce is divided in the department. There are many problems in the practice of law. First of all, Due to the fact that the expectant interest of intellectual property is not recognized as the common property of husband and wife in our country's legislation, this has aroused great controversy in the theoretical circle. Many scholars believe that the expected interest of intellectual property should be the same as the income earned by intellectual property in marriage. Second, in judicial practice, the expected interests of intellectual property are mostly dealt with in a "proper care" manner, but the legal provisions on "proper care" are vague. Third, due to the complexity of intellectual property rights, the division of the expected interests of one spouse who enjoys intellectual property rights should be analyzed concretely, not generalized.Finally, The law does not specify the way in which intellectual property rights expect benefits to be divided after divorce. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward the following suggestions for perfection. First of all, In legislation, intellectual property rights should be recognized as the joint property of husband and wife. The exclusive nature of intellectual property rights should be its personal rights, and property rights belong to the divisible parts of intellectual property rights. Since the division of vested interests in intellectual property rights in a marriage relationship is legally established, the expected interest in intellectual property rights should also be defined as the divisible joint property of the husband and wife after divorce. Secondly, Clear distinction between the principle of "due care" and division... "due consideration" should be considered as a special treatment in exceptional circumstances... once again, subject to the determination that the intellectual property rights are expected to be the common property of the couple. In the case that the knowledge comes into being before marriage, if the income is in marriage, the expected interest of intellectual property should be divided as the joint property of husband and wife. If no proceeds are generated in the marriage, it is to be treated differently depending on whether the non-intellectual property party contributes, directly or indirectly, to the expected benefit of the intellectual property right... in the case of intellectual property arising within the marriage, Whether the proceeds arise in marriage or after marriage, the expected benefits of intellectual property should be divided. Finally, In order to give consideration to the fairness and efficiency of the division of the expected interests of intellectual property rights, it is proposed to give the non-intellectual property parties the right to request the division of the expected interests. The principle of one-off segmentation and proper care.
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