[Abstract]:In the era of economic globalization, economic competition has gradually evolved from capital competition to the competition of patent technology and technical standards. Some industry giants, dressed in the cloak of technical standards, flexibly use patent pool organizations to manipulate the invention, possession, licensing and transfer of intellectual property rights to obtain huge economic benefits, thus achieving the goal. China is in the stage of "passive beating" and "primary learning" in the economic exchanges with the developed countries, especially Europe, America, Japan and Germany, in the application of intellectual property rights, technical standards and international rules, so it is difficult to effectively protect national industries. In reality, many patent pools abuse intellectual property rights, often through compulsory licensing package, unreasonable conditions in the licensing contract, the use of market dominance to collect unreasonable licensing fees and other means to restrict competition, seek monopoly, hinder technological innovation and technological progress, harm the interests of consumers.
Generally speaking, there is no contradiction between the regulation of intellectual property monopoly by anti-monopoly law and the protection of intellectual property legal system. But when intellectual property becomes a monopoly means, restricting competition and harming the interests of consumers, it will be transformed into intellectual property monopoly, which will no longer be protected by intellectual property law, but should be regulated by anti-monopoly law. On the one hand, domestic enterprises are restricted by foreign anti-monopoly laws and standardized technical barriers in the international market, on the other hand, they can not regulate the monopoly behavior of foreign enterprises and transnational corporations in China.
This paper expounds and summarizes the background and characteristics of the emergence of patent pools, discusses the phenomena, causes and essence of patent pools'behavior in the sense of monopoly, summarizes the development, characteristics and laws of anti-monopoly regulation of patent pools in developed countries, and gives stage positioning, characteristics and laws in connection with China's actual situation. State legislation, judicial practice, analysis of the gap and corresponding constructive suggestions.
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