[Abstract]:Punitive damages is to punish the wrongdoings of the perpetrators, deter or prevent the occurrence of similar acts, and the judgment of damages to the victims other than compensatory damages over the actual damages. It has the characteristics of punishment, subjective reproach, legality and dependence. There are essential differences between punitive damages and compensatory damages. Because it is consistent with the development trend of private law and the development of tort law, it is helpful to realize the function of tort law in an all-round way, so the application of punitive damages in tort law has a theoretical foundation. Punitive damages are widely applied in tort cases in the United Kingdom and the United States, and there are strict restrictions on the applicable conditions, and there are many operable methods for determining the amount of compensation which are worth learning from. There are differences in historical background, trial system and private law spirit between countries of civil law system and common law system, which leads to the conservative attitude of Germany and Japan on the issue of punitive damages. However, the system of punitive damages has been widely applied in the legislation of tort in Taiwan. At present, the legislation of our country is not perfect, the form of tort is complex and diverse, the remedy of traditional civil liability system is insufficient, and the internationalization of legal system makes punitive damages applied in tort law of our country is imperative. From the historical origin of our country, the applicable environment of law and the research results of scholars, it is feasible to apply this system. In terms of applicable conditions, the infringer should have intentional or gross negligence; in the scope of application, product liability infringement, environmental tort, medical malpractice infringement, intellectual property infringement, securities infringement, assault, Malicious personal torts such as verbal abuse can be applied; in determining the amount of compensation, the principle of appropriate deterrence to the infringer and the appropriate incentive to the victim should be taken into account synthetically the actual loss of the victim and the reproach of the infringer's behavior. The probability that infringer undertakes responsibility, the economic condition of infringer wait for a factor.
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