
发布时间:2018-09-17 08:20
【摘要】:环境标志是环境法领域的一项基本制度,自1977年世界上第一个环境标志计划产生于德国以来,环境标志在世界上很多国家都开始实行,并随着其作用的体现而逐步得到重视和长足发展。环境标志的主要实施方式是由一定的机构或团体向经检测后符合特定环境标准的企业的产品或服务发放证明,证明该产品或服务具有一定的环境友好性,并以此引导消费者的消费方向,从而影响企业的市场占有率和利润,最终达到促使企业采用清洁生产工艺、促进社会可持续发展模式形成的目的。显然,与传统环境法律制度不同,环境标志更注重市场化手段的运用,强调引导和刺激,并最终能使企业变被动为主动的采取对环境更加有利的生产工艺和制造方法,从而达到保护和改善环境的目的。因此,环境标志体现出巨大的生命力和活力。目前,世界上很多国家都实行了环境标志。由于环境标志的基础是需要确定产品或服务的环境标准,而各国由于经济发展水平、技术水平的不同,各国的标准水平存在较大差异。因此,世界各国的环境标志都不太相同,也就是环境标志的国别化现象。这种国别化现象首先引起了企业和消费者的反感。对企业而言,进入不同国家市场需要去申请不同国家的环境标志,这显然是一项极其繁琐和花费成本的事情;对消费者而言,如此五花八门的环境标志足以让人眼花缭乱,实在不知该如何选择。另外,有些发达国家利用环境标志的国别化将其作为一种隐形贸易壁垒,希望达到保护本国市场和本国企业的目的,从而使发展中国家遭受到很大的伤害。基于这些原因,世界亟需一套统一的环境标志体系。因此,本文主要研究环境标志国际统一化的必要性、统一过程中可能遇到的障碍、统一所需要的理论基础和现实基础以及环境标准国际统一化的实现。本文的主体部分主要分为七章。 第一章是环境标志概述,本章共分为三节。第一节是环境标志的概念,是对环境标志定义的描述和环境标志的基本分类。目前世界上大多数国家采用的分类方法是Ⅰ型环境标志、Ⅱ型环境标志和Ⅲ型环境标志,这种分类方法是国际标准化组织在其所制定的ISO14000环境管理体系中提出的。Ⅰ型环境标志是以自愿为基础的第三方认证计划,Ⅱ型环境标志是一种自我环境声明,Ⅲ型环境标志是一个量化的产品性能和环境信息的数据清单。第二节介绍了环境标志的性质,主要是从三个角度来说明:环境标志是证明商标、是一种采用市场化手段的环境法律制度、是与国际贸易有关的环境措施。第三节是对环境标志作用的概括总结,同样是基于三个角度,包括:作为证明商标体现出来的、作为环境法律制度体现出来的和在国际贸易中体现出来的。作为证明商标的作用在于证明、引导和促进。作为环境法律制度的最终作用在于促进社会可持续发展模式的形成,实现环境的逐步改善。在国际贸易中体现出来的作用主要是促进企业的生产革新和国际贸易商品结构的绿色化。 第二章是环境标志的发展现状与分析,本章共分三节。第一节是介绍环境标志在我国从其开始至目前的整体发展状况,包括环境标志在我国的产生、我国的环境标志法律体系和环境标志法律制度。第二节介绍了环境标志在国外的发展情况,包括德国、加拿大、日本、奥地利、澳大利亚和新西兰等国的环境标志现状。这些都是在世界上比较早实行环境标志的国家,因此具有一定的借鉴意义。第三节是对环境标志发展现状的分析。经过分析可以看出环境标志的现状是呈现国别化。所谓的国别化是指各国的环境标志计划在内容、所追求达成的目标以及实施的程序上等方面所表现出来的巨大差异。这种国别化具有明显的负面效应,一方面挫伤了企业和消费者的积极性,另一方面是被部分发达国家作为隐形的绿色贸易壁垒,从而伤害了发展中国家的利益。基于以上两点,我们需要一个国际统一的环境标志体系。因此,我们期待能实现环境标志的国际统一化。 第三章是阐述环境标志国际统一化的必要性,本章共分两节。第一节是阐述了环境标志国际统一化的必要性之一,这是基于发展中国家的立场而言的。在世界经济发展的格局中,发达国家暂时处于领先的地位,为了保持这种领先,它们常常使用一些方法来阻碍发展中国家的发展,从而维持它们自己的优势地位。随着经济全球化的发展,多边贸易体制的形成,WTO在国际贸易中发挥出越来越重要的作用。基于WTO的基本原则,很多原来能使用的阻碍方法现在都不能再使用了,而环境标志作为一种新的隐形壁垒进入了发达国家的视野。环境标志作为这种绿色贸易壁垒对发展中国家具有很大的伤害。第二节是环境标志国际统一化的必要性之二,这是基于全人类的立场。因为环境标志的最终宗旨是改善环境,而因为环境标志的国别化现象对企业和消费者的挫伤,企业和消费者有可能选择不再参与环境标志。如果出现这种情况,显然环境标志的作用完全得不到展现的机会,其宗旨也不可能实现。 第四章是分析环境标志国际统一化过程中可能会遇到的障碍,本章共分两节。第一节是从主观上的因素去考虑,可能遭遇到的问题是世界各国对待环境标志国际统一化的不同态度。因为目前的世界政治格局是以国家作为基本单位,各国在国际事务中首先考虑的还是本国利益。加上经济发展水平的不同导致各国对待环境保护的态度不同,地理环境因素导致各国的环境资源特点不同,从而环境关注点也不同。因此,各国肯定会表现出一些不一样的态度。第二节是从客观上的因素去考虑,环境标志的技术标准难以统一。技术因素在环境标志中有着重要的体现,包括产品种类的选择、申请和认证程序等等都离不开技术手段的运用。而各国的技术发展水平具有较大的差异,这就使得在统一的技术标准上面临两难选择。如果按照相对低的标准来实现统一,对实行高标准的发达国家来说就意味着倒退;如果按照相对高的标准来实现统一,很多发展中国家又难以达到。 第五章是环境标志国际统一化的理论基础。为了解决在统一化进程中遇到的障碍,我们应该从理论上去寻找一些支持。本章共分两节,第一节是着眼于在国际法领域的相关理论:首先是全球环境问题出现后导致的主权概念的修正。现今的主权概念不再是绝对的,为了共同面对日益严重的国际环境危机,各国都应该对各自的主权进行一定的限制;其次是国际环境合作原则。国际合作是目前国际社会政治、经济、文化等各个领域都具备的一项基本原则,在环境领域里同样也是适用的,并且众多全球环境问题的恶化对国际环境合作的呼声和要求也越来越高;再次是共同但有区别的责任原则。这一原则主要说明了发达国家和发展中国家的不同义务。发达国家早于发展中国家实现了发展,而在其发展的过程中,已经对环境造成了很多的破坏。发展中国家目前正在发展,从破坏的总体情况上来看,可能还达不到发展中国家之前对整个地球环境的破坏。因此,从这个意义上来说,发达国家应该比发展中国家承担更多的保护和改善环境的责任。第二节是着眼于环境法领域的相关理论,包括可持续发展理论、公众参与原则和“全球环境法”等一些新概念的出现。这些理论都对环境标志的国际统一化具有重要的意义。 第六章是分析了环境标志国际统一化的现实基础,本章共分四节。第一节说明了经济全球化的发展。在当前世界,经济全球化已经成为一种必然趋势。经济领域的变化也引起了法领域的很多变化,例如引起了法的趋同化和国际化发展,而环境标志国际统一的实质就是法的国际化。第二节是对知识产权保护的国际统一过程的借鉴。我们可以从中得到若干启示:第一,环境标志的国际统一化将是一个长期的过程;第二,环境标志的国际统一化将是各国由被动到主动的过程;第三,在环境标志的国际统一化过程中,要积极发挥相关国际组织的作用;第四,对于发展中国家来讲,应该转变观念,积极促进环境标志的国际统一化。第三节是对环境标志国际互认的介绍。由于认识到环境标志国别化的缺陷,很多国家开始与其他国家实行环境标志的国际互认,即在一国取得的环境标志,经互认后在另一国同样可以使用而无需再申请。目前,这种国际互认的行为比较普遍。第四节是介绍区域性统一的环境标志的出现。例如北欧白天鹅计划和欧盟的欧洲之花计划,,它们都是实现了区域性统一的环境标志。 第七章是具体分析环境标志国际统一化的实现途径,也是作者的一点创新。本章共分两节。第一节是提出运用WTO机制实现各国主观态度的协调。WTO是世界上一个很大的国际组织,虽然它的宗旨是致力于贸易自由化,但由于环境与贸易的相生相伴、矛盾统一的关系,WTO也开始关注环境问题。环境标志是一项与国际贸易有关的环境措施,因此可以考虑将环境标志纳入WTO的讨论范围来解决。WTO在世界上具有很高的权威性,争端解决机制也比较完善,因此应该可以胜任这个任务。第二节是提出由ISO来实现环境标志技术标准整合的观点。ISO同样是世界上比较大的国际组织,其以技术的研究为主要工作,致力于国际标准的推广使用。ISO已然发布了ISO14020系列环境标志标准,因此完全有可能自己来制定一套统一的环境标志体系。
[Abstract]:Environmental labeling is a basic system in the field of environmental law. Since the first environmental labeling program was created in Germany in 1977, environmental labeling has been implemented in many countries in the world and has been gradually valued and developed with its role. The main implementation of environmental labeling is carried out by certain institutions or groups. Certificates issued to the products or services of the enterprises that meet the specific environmental standards after testing prove that the products or services have certain environmental friendliness and guide the consumer's direction of consumption, thus affecting the market share and profits of the enterprises, and ultimately promoting the adoption of cleaner production technology and promoting the sustainable development of society. Obviously, unlike the traditional environmental legal system, environmental signs pay more attention to the use of market-oriented means, emphasize guidance and stimulation, and ultimately enable enterprises to passively and actively adopt more environmentally friendly production processes and manufacturing methods, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting and improving the environment. At present, many countries in the world have implemented environmental signs. Because the basis of environmental signs is the need to determine the environmental standards of products or services, and because of the level of economic development and technological level of different countries, there are great differences in the standards of different countries. The nationalization of environmental labeling first arouses the disgust of enterprises and consumers. For enterprises, it is obviously a tedious and costly thing to apply for environmental labeling in different countries in order to enter the market of different countries; for consumers, there are so many kinds of environmental labeling. In addition, some developed countries use the nationalization of environmental labels as an invisible barrier to trade, hoping to protect their own markets and enterprises, thus causing great harm to developing countries. For these reasons, the world urgently needs a unified environment. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the necessity of the international unification of environmental signs, the obstacles that may be encountered in the process of unification, the theoretical and practical basis for the unification and the realization of the international unification of environmental standards.
The first section is the definition of environmental signs and the basic classification of environmental signs. At present, most countries in the world adopt the classification methods of type I environmental signs, type II environmental signs and type III environmental marks. This classification method is international standards. Type I environmental label is a voluntary third party certification scheme. Type II environmental label is a self-environmental statement. Type III environmental label is a data list of quantified product performance and environmental information. Section II introduces the nature of environmental label. The third section is a summary of the role of environmental signs, which is also based on three angles, including: as a certification trademark, as an environmental legal system of market-oriented means, and as an environmental legal system related to international trade. The function of certification trademark is to prove, guide and promote. The ultimate function of environmental legal system is to promote the formation of social sustainable development model and realize the gradual improvement of environment. And the green structure of international trade commodities.
The second chapter is the development status and analysis of environmental signs, this chapter is divided into three sections. The first section is to introduce the overall development of environmental signs in China from its inception to the present situation, including the emergence of environmental signs in China, China's legal system of environmental signs and environmental signs. The third section is the analysis of the status quo of environmental signs. It can be seen that the status quo of environmental signs is the presenting country. The so-called nationalization refers to the tremendous differences in the contents, goals and procedures of the environmental labeling plans of different countries. This nationalization has obvious negative effects, which on the one hand frustrates the enthusiasm of enterprises and consumers, on the other hand, is invisible by some developed countries. Based on the above two points, we need a unified international environmental labeling system. Therefore, we look forward to achieving the international unification of environmental labeling.
The third chapter is about the necessity of the international unification of environmental signs. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section is about the necessity of the international unification of environmental signs, which is based on the position of developing countries. With the development of economic globalization and the formation of the multilateral trading system, the WTO has played an increasingly important role in international trade. As a new invisible barrier, environmental signs have entered the view of developed countries. As a kind of green trade barrier, environmental signs are harmful to developing countries. Section II is the necessity of international unification of environmental signs, which is based on the position of all mankind. Because the ultimate purpose of environmental signs is to improve the environment, and Because the nationalization of environmental labels is frustrating to enterprises and consumers, enterprises and consumers may choose not to participate in environmental labels. If this happens, it is obvious that the role of environmental labels can not be demonstrated at all, and its purpose can not be achieved.
The fourth chapter is to analyze the obstacles that may be encountered in the process of the international unification of environmental signs. This chapter is divided into two sections. In international affairs, the first consideration is the interests of the country. In addition, the different levels of economic development lead to different attitudes towards environmental protection. Geographical environmental factors lead to different characteristics of environmental resources in different countries, thus different environmental concerns. Therefore, countries will certainly show some different attitudes. Section II is from the objective. Considering the above factors, it is difficult to unify the technical standards of environmental labeling. Technical factors have important manifestations in environmental labeling, including the choice of product types, application and certification procedures, etc. can not be separated from the use of technical means. It is a dilemma for the developed countries to achieve reunification according to relatively low standards, which means retrogression for the developed countries, and for many developing countries to achieve reunification according to relatively high standards.
The fifth chapter is the theoretical basis of the international unification of environmental signs.In order to solve the obstacles encountered in the process of unification, we should seek some theoretical support.This chapter is divided into two sections.The first section focuses on the relevant theories in the field of international law.First, the revision of the concept of sovereignty resulting from the emergence of global environmental problems. The concept of sovereignty is no longer absolute. In order to face the increasingly serious international environmental crisis, all countries should restrict their sovereignty to some extent, followed by the principle of international environmental cooperation. It is also applicable, and the deterioration of many global environmental problems has raised the voice and demand for international environmental cooperation; again, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. Developing countries are currently developing and, in general, may not be able to do as much damage to the entire Earth's environment as developing countries did before. Therefore, in this sense, developed countries should shoulder more responsibility for protecting and improving the environment than developing countries. The second section focuses on the relevant theories in the field of environmental law, including the theory of sustainable development, the principle of public participation and the emergence of some new concepts such as "global environmental law".
Chapter 6 is the analysis of the realistic basis of the international unification of environmental signs. This chapter is divided into four sections. The first section describes the development of economic globalization. In the current world, economic globalization has become an inevitable trend. The essence of the international unification of environmental signs is the internationalization of law.Section 2 is a reference to the process of international unification of intellectual property protection.We can get some enlightenment from it.First, the international unification of environmental signs will be a long-term process.Second, the international unification of environmental signs will be a passive to active transition for all countries. In the process of international unification of environmental signs, we should actively play the role of relevant international organizations. Fourthly, for developing countries, we should change our concepts and actively promote the international unification of environmental signs. At present, this kind of international recognition is quite common. Section 4 introduces the emergence of regional unified environmental signs, such as the Nordic White Swan Plan and the European Union. The European flower plan is an environmental symbol for achieving regional unity.
The seventh chapter is a concrete analysis of the way to achieve the international unification of environmental signs, and also the author's innovation. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section is to propose the use of WTO mechanisms to achieve the coordination of subjective attitudes among countries. Environmental labeling is an environmental measure related to international trade, so it can be considered to bring environmental labeling into the scope of WTO discussion. WTO has a high authority in the world, and the dispute settlement mechanism is relatively perfect, so it should be competent for this task. Section 2 is to put forward the viewpoint of realizing the conformity of environmental labeling technical standards by ISO. ISO is also a big international organization in the world. Its main work is technology research and devotes itself to the popularization and use of international standards. ISO has issued ISO14020 series of environmental labeling standards, so it is possible to formulate a unified set of standards by itself. Environmental labeling system.


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