发布时间:2018-09-18 12:06
【摘要】: 伴随着科学技术的发展,知识产权及其法律保护制度应运而生。知识产权侵权责任归责原则作为知识产权法律保护制度的核心问题,很有研究的必要。近几年,理论界围绕知识产权侵权归责原则问题争论不休,司法实践中,,法官也往往因被控侵权方“无过错”的抗辩而陷入困惑与迷茫之中。我国《民法通则》的规定把过错原则以法律形式固定下来,确认了它作为民法中侵权行为一般归责原则的法律地位。我国几部知识产权法对侵犯知识产权的行为进行了列举,但对知识产权侵权责任归责原则没有做出明确规定。 由于几部知识产权法的规定不明确,在司法实践中,法官对于当事人关于过错的抗辩态度不一,形成一定程度的司法不统一。一方面损害了法制的统一,更重要的是导致了实质的不公平,侵蚀了法律的正义性基石。正确处理知识产权纠纷案件,关键是掌握知识产权侵权责任的归责原则。笔者从知识产权理论和实践上对知识产权侵权责任作了初步探讨,试图全面分析和认识知识产权侵权责任归责原则问题,对完善我国知识产权法律中的侵权责任归责体系进行了思考并提出了自己的建议。 文章第一部分是对归责原则的一般理论进行了分析,从归责原则的含义和意义开始,分析了归责原则的适用范围应该是指所有的民事责任而不仅限于损害赔偿责任。最后就我国法律中规定的归责原则的体系和各个具体归责原则进行了分析和解析。 文章第二部分运用分析比较的研究方法,首先对英美法系国家、大陆法系国家和TRIPS协议中有关知识产权侵权责任归责原则进行了分析,然后本章又从纵向比较了我国知识产权法最近一次修改前后关于知识产权侵权责任归责原则的规定和趋势以及存在问题。 文章第三部分论述我国知识产权归责原则的定位。从我国现行法律规定过错责任是侵权责任的主要归责原则为切入点,分析了依过错责任原则认定行为人承担侵权责任存在的诸多问题,然后对我国理论界中学者们对我国知识产权侵权归责原则的主要理论及其分歧原因进行了分析和评价,最后对停止侵权等排除性责任的性质进行了分析并推出排除性责任的承担适用无过错归责原则,从而完成了知识产权侵权责任归责原则中引入无过错责任原则的法理分析。 文章第四部分从对我国有关知识产权侵权责任归责原则立法和司法现状进行分析和思考,最后对完善我国知识产权侵权责任归责原则体系提出了几点建议:第一,认为关于知识产权侵权行为的认定,法律应明确规定与归责原则无关,从而避免产生对归责原则适用范围包括知识产权侵权行为认定的错误认识。第二,认为法律应当明确规定对排除类责任适用无过错责任,但应当有例外规定。第三,认为对损害赔偿类责任主要适用特殊形式的过错责任原则即过错推定责任原则。 本文以侵害知识产权应适用何种归责原则为切入点,借鉴国内外有关理论、法规,探索我国法律解决知识产权侵权责任归责原则的合理答案,构建更完善的知识产权侵权责任归责原则体系,以有利于对知识产权所有人和社会利益的平衡保护。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, intellectual property rights and its legal protection system emerge as the times require. As the core issue of intellectual property rights legal protection system, the principle of liability fixation for intellectual property rights infringement is necessary to be studied. The defendant's plea of "no fault" is confused and confused. The provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law of China fix the principle of fault in legal form and confirm its legal status as a general principle of liability for infringement in civil law. The principle of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights has not been clearly stipulated.
As the provisions of several intellectual property laws are not clear, in judicial practice, the judges have different attitudes towards the parties'defenses of faults, resulting in a certain degree of judicial inconsistency. On the one hand, it damages the unity of the legal system, more importantly, it leads to substantive injustice and erodes the cornerstone of legal justice. The key to a case is to master the principle of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights. The author makes a preliminary discussion on the liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights from the perspective of theory and practice of intellectual property rights, tries to comprehensively analyze and understand the principle of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights, and ponders over the improvement of the system of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights in China. I put forward my own proposals.
The first part of the article analyzes the general theory of the imputation principle, starting from the meaning and significance of the imputation principle, and analyzes that the scope of application of the imputation principle should refer to all civil liabilities, not only the liability for damages. Analysis and analysis.
In the second part of the article, by using the method of analysis and comparison, the author first analyzes the principles of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement in Anglo-American law system countries, civil law system countries and TRIPS agreements, and then compares the rules of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement before and after the latest amendment of China's intellectual property law vertically. Trends and problems.
The third part of the article discusses the orientation of the principle of liability fixation for intellectual property rights in China.From the point of view that the fault liability is the main principle of liability fixation for infringement in the current law of our country,this paper analyzes many problems existing in the principle of liability fixation for infringement on the part of the perpetrator. The main theory of the doctrine of attribution of rights and liabilities and the reasons for its divergence are analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the nature of exclusive liability such as stopping infringement is analyzed and the principle of no-fault attribution applied to the acceptance of exclusive liability is deduced.
The fourth part of the article analyzes and ponders on the legislation and judicial status of the principle of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement in China. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the system of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement in China. Firstly, the law should clearly stipulate that the principle of liability fixation has nothing to do with the determination of intellectual property infringement. In order to avoid the misunderstanding of the scope of application of the imputation principle, including the determination of intellectual property infringement. Second, the law should clearly stipulate the application of no-fault liability to exclusionary liability, but there should be exceptions. Third, the author thinks that the special form of fault liability principle, namely fault presumption liability, should be mainly applied to compensation for damages. Be a principle.
In this paper, starting from what kind of imputation principle should be applied to infringement of intellectual property rights, drawing on the relevant theories and regulations at home and abroad, the author explores the reasonable answers to the principle of imputation of liability for infringement of intellectual property rights in China's laws, and constructs a more perfect system of imputation principle for infringement of intellectual property rights, in order to help balance the interests of intellectual property owners and society. Protection.
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, intellectual property rights and its legal protection system emerge as the times require. As the core issue of intellectual property rights legal protection system, the principle of liability fixation for intellectual property rights infringement is necessary to be studied. The defendant's plea of "no fault" is confused and confused. The provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law of China fix the principle of fault in legal form and confirm its legal status as a general principle of liability for infringement in civil law. The principle of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights has not been clearly stipulated.
As the provisions of several intellectual property laws are not clear, in judicial practice, the judges have different attitudes towards the parties'defenses of faults, resulting in a certain degree of judicial inconsistency. On the one hand, it damages the unity of the legal system, more importantly, it leads to substantive injustice and erodes the cornerstone of legal justice. The key to a case is to master the principle of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights. The author makes a preliminary discussion on the liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights from the perspective of theory and practice of intellectual property rights, tries to comprehensively analyze and understand the principle of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights, and ponders over the improvement of the system of liability fixation for infringement of intellectual property rights in China. I put forward my own proposals.
The first part of the article analyzes the general theory of the imputation principle, starting from the meaning and significance of the imputation principle, and analyzes that the scope of application of the imputation principle should refer to all civil liabilities, not only the liability for damages. Analysis and analysis.
In the second part of the article, by using the method of analysis and comparison, the author first analyzes the principles of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement in Anglo-American law system countries, civil law system countries and TRIPS agreements, and then compares the rules of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement before and after the latest amendment of China's intellectual property law vertically. Trends and problems.
The third part of the article discusses the orientation of the principle of liability fixation for intellectual property rights in China.From the point of view that the fault liability is the main principle of liability fixation for infringement in the current law of our country,this paper analyzes many problems existing in the principle of liability fixation for infringement on the part of the perpetrator. The main theory of the doctrine of attribution of rights and liabilities and the reasons for its divergence are analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the nature of exclusive liability such as stopping infringement is analyzed and the principle of no-fault attribution applied to the acceptance of exclusive liability is deduced.
The fourth part of the article analyzes and ponders on the legislation and judicial status of the principle of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement in China. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the system of liability fixation for intellectual property infringement in China. Firstly, the law should clearly stipulate that the principle of liability fixation has nothing to do with the determination of intellectual property infringement. In order to avoid the misunderstanding of the scope of application of the imputation principle, including the determination of intellectual property infringement. Second, the law should clearly stipulate the application of no-fault liability to exclusionary liability, but there should be exceptions. Third, the author thinks that the special form of fault liability principle, namely fault presumption liability, should be mainly applied to compensation for damages. Be a principle.
In this paper, starting from what kind of imputation principle should be applied to infringement of intellectual property rights, drawing on the relevant theories and regulations at home and abroad, the author explores the reasonable answers to the principle of imputation of liability for infringement of intellectual property rights in China's laws, and constructs a more perfect system of imputation principle for infringement of intellectual property rights, in order to help balance the interests of intellectual property owners and society. Protection.
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1 吴莺;;知识产权归责原则文献综述[J];大舞台;2011年02期