发布时间:2018-11-06 13:36
【摘要】:21世纪是知识经济的世纪,与知识有关的权利在社会经济发展中将会起到举足轻重的作用,因而知识产权的法律保护尤其是刑事保护应该提到前所未有的高度。但是我国目前对侵犯知识产权犯罪尤其是侵犯著作权犯罪的研究还远没有达到理想的程度,与其他传统的自然犯研究的泛滥成灾相比,侵犯著作权犯罪的研究还是一块尚未充分开发的领域,尤其是随着网络侵犯著作权行为的兴起,我国理论界和实务界对网络侵犯著作权行为是否入罪还未达成共识,使得网络成为滋生侵犯著作权行为的温床,对于我国著作权的法律保护带来负面影响。 本文将重点研究与侵犯著作权类犯罪有关的疑难问题,这些问题都是在理论界悬而未决且具有重要研究价值的。第一章介绍了侵犯著作权类犯罪的概念,并探讨了其罪名和客体问题,最后介绍了我国侵犯著作权类犯罪立法概况。第二章介绍了侵犯著作权类犯罪的数额和停止形态问题,创新性地提出了主观上的数额和客观上的数额的区分,进而提出主观上的数额才是确定罪与非罪的标准。第三章介绍了侵犯著作权类犯罪的主观方面,直接故意和间接故意都可以作为本类犯罪的主观方面,,过失不能构成本类犯罪。第四章是本文的重点,对于网络侵犯著作权行为能否纳入犯罪圈进行了详细的分析,进而得出结论:网络侵犯著作权行为可以构成犯罪。 选取侵犯著作权犯罪疑难问题研究作为论题,可以说很好地联系了当前的形势,具有较强的理论意义和现实意义,同时该论题也属于刑民交叉问题,要求笔者同时具备刑法学、著作权法学、互联网的相关知识,对笔者也是一项挑战,希望本文对于厘清侵犯著作权类犯罪有所贡献。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the century of knowledge economy, and the rights related to knowledge will play an important role in the development of social economy. Therefore, the legal protection of intellectual property, especially the criminal protection, should be raised to an unprecedented height. However, at present, the research on the crime of infringing intellectual property rights, especially the crime of infringing copyright, is far from reaching the ideal level in our country. Compared with the overflowing of other traditional researches on natural crime, The research on the crime of infringing copyright is still a field that has not been fully developed, especially with the rise of network infringement of copyright, the theorists and practitioners of our country have not reached a consensus on whether the infringement of copyright by network is criminalized or not. The network has become the breeding ground for copyright infringement, which has a negative impact on the legal protection of copyright in China. This paper will focus on the problems related to the crime of copyright infringement, which are pending in the theoretical circle and have important research value. The first chapter introduces the concept of the crime of infringing copyright and probes into its charge and object. Finally, it introduces the general situation of the legislation of the crime of infringing on copyright in our country. The second chapter introduces the amount and stop form of the crime of infringing copyright, and innovatively puts forward the distinction between the subjective amount and the objective amount, and then points out that the subjective amount is the standard to determine the crime and non-crime. The third chapter introduces the subjective aspects of copyright infringement crimes. Both direct and indirect intent can be regarded as the subjective aspects of this type of crime, and negligence cannot constitute this kind of crime. The fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, the network infringement of copyright can be included into the criminal circle of detailed analysis, and then reached a conclusion: network infringement of copyright can constitute a crime. Selecting the research on the difficult problem of the crime of infringing copyright as the topic, it can be said that the current situation is well linked, which has strong theoretical and practical significance. At the same time, the topic also belongs to the cross-question of criminal law and people, which requires the author to have criminal law at the same time. Copyright law, the relevant knowledge of the Internet, is also a challenge to the author, I hope this article to clarify the crime of copyright infringement.
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the century of knowledge economy, and the rights related to knowledge will play an important role in the development of social economy. Therefore, the legal protection of intellectual property, especially the criminal protection, should be raised to an unprecedented height. However, at present, the research on the crime of infringing intellectual property rights, especially the crime of infringing copyright, is far from reaching the ideal level in our country. Compared with the overflowing of other traditional researches on natural crime, The research on the crime of infringing copyright is still a field that has not been fully developed, especially with the rise of network infringement of copyright, the theorists and practitioners of our country have not reached a consensus on whether the infringement of copyright by network is criminalized or not. The network has become the breeding ground for copyright infringement, which has a negative impact on the legal protection of copyright in China. This paper will focus on the problems related to the crime of copyright infringement, which are pending in the theoretical circle and have important research value. The first chapter introduces the concept of the crime of infringing copyright and probes into its charge and object. Finally, it introduces the general situation of the legislation of the crime of infringing on copyright in our country. The second chapter introduces the amount and stop form of the crime of infringing copyright, and innovatively puts forward the distinction between the subjective amount and the objective amount, and then points out that the subjective amount is the standard to determine the crime and non-crime. The third chapter introduces the subjective aspects of copyright infringement crimes. Both direct and indirect intent can be regarded as the subjective aspects of this type of crime, and negligence cannot constitute this kind of crime. The fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, the network infringement of copyright can be included into the criminal circle of detailed analysis, and then reached a conclusion: network infringement of copyright can constitute a crime. Selecting the research on the difficult problem of the crime of infringing copyright as the topic, it can be said that the current situation is well linked, which has strong theoretical and practical significance. At the same time, the topic also belongs to the cross-question of criminal law and people, which requires the author to have criminal law at the same time. Copyright law, the relevant knowledge of the Internet, is also a challenge to the author, I hope this article to clarify the crime of copyright infringement.
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