发布时间:2018-12-07 14:01
【摘要】:自2006年谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特在搜索引擎大会上首次提出"云计算"的概念以来,云计算就受到了世界各国政府、企业的瞩目。世界各国纷纷将云计算的研究纳入本国知识产权战略,世界较大的互联网或计算机公司也研发自己的云计算产品,都力求走在时代的前端。2010年6月,胡锦涛总书记在两院院士大会上指出,“互联网、云计算、物联网、知识服务、智能服务的快速发展为个性化制造和服务创新提供了有力的工具和环境”,将云计算应用提上了创新生产方式的高度。2010年10月,国家发展和改革委员会、工业和信息化部联合发布《关于做好云计算服务创新发展试点示范工作的通知》,确定在北京、上海、深圳、杭州、无锡五个城市先行开展云计算服务创新发展试点示范工作,进一步明确了国家发展云计算的总体思路和战略布局。 云计算是一种按使用量付费的模式,这种模式提供可用的、便捷的、按需的网络访问,进入可配置的计算资源共享池,只需投入很少的管理工作,或与服务供应商进行很少的交互就能够得到所需的服务。云计算已经逐渐成为当前以及将来个人和公司处理信息的主要方式,而其中所产生的新的运营模式必然给现在的著作权法带来冲击。对复制行为的界定是确定著作权法中复制权权利范围的基础,也是认定著作权侵权的前提。云计算中大量的虚拟复制和临时复制是否属于传统著作权法意义上的“复制”不仅关系到著作权人权利的内容,,还会影响云计算技术的发展。世界各国对于此问题也持不同的立法态度,主要分为以美国、欧盟为代表的赞成派,即认为临时复制应当纳入复制权的范围和以日本、发展中国家为代表的反对派,即反对将临时复制纳入复制权的范围。我国著作权法对此没有相关的规定,出于对技术前瞻性的预见,我国著作权法应当对这一问题有积极地应对之策。
[Abstract]:Since Google CEO Eric Schmidt first introduced the concept of "cloud computing" at a search engine conference in 2006, cloud computing has attracted the attention of governments and businesses around the world. Countries all over the world have incorporated cloud computing research into their intellectual property strategy, and the world's largest Internet or computer companies are also developing their own cloud computing products, all of which strive to be at the forefront of the times. General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out at the meeting of academicians of both houses that "the rapid development of the Internet, cloud computing, the Internet of things, knowledge services and intelligent services has provided a powerful tool and environment for personalized manufacturing and service innovation." In October 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued a notice on doing a good job in the pilot demonstration of cloud computing service innovation development, which was confirmed in Beijing. Five cities, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Wuxi, have carried out pilot demonstration work of cloud computing service innovation and development in advance, and further clarified the overall thinking and strategic layout of national cloud computing development. Cloud computing is a pay-as-you-go model that provides usable, convenient, on-demand network access, access to configurable pool of computing resources, with little administrative effort. Or with little interaction with the service provider to get the required services. Cloud computing has gradually become the main way for individuals and companies to deal with information at present and in the future. The definition of reproduction act is the basis of determining the scope of the right of reproduction in copyright law, and also the premise of determining the infringement of copyright. Whether a large number of virtual and temporary copies in cloud computing are "duplicates" in the sense of traditional copyright law not only relate to the content of copyright owner's rights, but also affect the development of cloud computing technology. Countries around the world also have different legislative attitudes on this issue, mainly divided into pro-idem groups represented by the United States and the European Union. That is, they believe that temporary replication should be included in the scope of the right of reproduction and the opposition represented by Japan and developing countries. That is, against the temporary replication of the scope of the right to replication. There is no relevant regulation in China's copyright law. In view of the foresight of technological foresight, China's copyright law should take active measures to deal with this problem.
[Abstract]:Since Google CEO Eric Schmidt first introduced the concept of "cloud computing" at a search engine conference in 2006, cloud computing has attracted the attention of governments and businesses around the world. Countries all over the world have incorporated cloud computing research into their intellectual property strategy, and the world's largest Internet or computer companies are also developing their own cloud computing products, all of which strive to be at the forefront of the times. General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out at the meeting of academicians of both houses that "the rapid development of the Internet, cloud computing, the Internet of things, knowledge services and intelligent services has provided a powerful tool and environment for personalized manufacturing and service innovation." In October 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued a notice on doing a good job in the pilot demonstration of cloud computing service innovation development, which was confirmed in Beijing. Five cities, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Wuxi, have carried out pilot demonstration work of cloud computing service innovation and development in advance, and further clarified the overall thinking and strategic layout of national cloud computing development. Cloud computing is a pay-as-you-go model that provides usable, convenient, on-demand network access, access to configurable pool of computing resources, with little administrative effort. Or with little interaction with the service provider to get the required services. Cloud computing has gradually become the main way for individuals and companies to deal with information at present and in the future. The definition of reproduction act is the basis of determining the scope of the right of reproduction in copyright law, and also the premise of determining the infringement of copyright. Whether a large number of virtual and temporary copies in cloud computing are "duplicates" in the sense of traditional copyright law not only relate to the content of copyright owner's rights, but also affect the development of cloud computing technology. Countries around the world also have different legislative attitudes on this issue, mainly divided into pro-idem groups represented by the United States and the European Union. That is, they believe that temporary replication should be included in the scope of the right of reproduction and the opposition represented by Japan and developing countries. That is, against the temporary replication of the scope of the right to replication. There is no relevant regulation in China's copyright law. In view of the foresight of technological foresight, China's copyright law should take active measures to deal with this problem.
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